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发布时间:2018-10-18 13:43
【摘要】:我国车险费率市场化改革从上世纪九十年代就已经开始,车险市场的改革是分步进行、不断的探索中进行的,在改革的过程中既有成功的经验也有失败的教训,这同时也成为我国继续深化车险改革积累了宝贵的经验。 本文主要分为五个部分,在第一部分介绍了本文研究目的及研究意义,并对相关文献进行了归纳总结,第二部分介绍了我国车险市场的现状,任何改革都是建立在现实的基础上,改革的成功与否与所处的环境息息相关,通过分析我国车险市场的现状对我国车险费率市场化改革的背景有一个全面的把握。第三部分从定性和定量两个方面对车险费率市场化改革造成的影响进行分析,定性方面主要从车险费率市场化改革对车险市场上主体的影响进行分析,定量方面主要是从财险公司着手,因为财险公司联系着保险监管部门和广大车险消费者,在费率市场化改革中有着重要的作用。之后运用经济理论对车险费率市场化改革进行了成效分析。本文在第四部分介绍了国外发达国家车险费率市场化改革的经验教训以及对我国的启示。第五部分对继续深化我国车险费率市场化改革提出了自己的对策建议。 在方法上,本文运用博弈论、供求分析等宏观经济理论,采用计量经济学搜集大量翔实的数据来具体考量费率市场化改革对财险公司的影响。从定性和定量两个方面分析车险费率市场化改革所造成的影响。
[Abstract]:The market-oriented reform of auto insurance rates in China has been under way since the 1990s, and the reform of the auto insurance market has been carried out step by step and through continuous exploration. In the process of reform, there are both successful experiences and lessons of failure. This also becomes our country continues to deepen the automobile insurance reform to accumulate the valuable experience at the same time. This paper is divided into five parts. In the first part, the purpose and significance of this study are introduced, and the related literature is summarized. The second part introduces the current situation of China's auto insurance market. Any reform is based on the reality, the success of the reform is closely related to the environment, through the analysis of the current situation of the auto insurance market in China, there is a comprehensive grasp of the background of the market-oriented reform of China's auto insurance rate. The third part analyzes the impact of the market-oriented reform of auto insurance rate from qualitative and quantitative aspects, and analyzes the impact of the market-oriented reform of auto insurance rate on the main body in the auto insurance market. The quantitative aspect is mainly from the property insurance company, because the property insurance company is connected with the insurance supervision department and the general automobile insurance consumer, and plays an important role in the reform of the rate marketization. After that, the paper analyzes the effect of the marketization reform of auto insurance premium rate by using economic theory. In the fourth part, the author introduces the experiences and lessons of the market-oriented reform of auto insurance rate in developed countries and its enlightenment to our country. The fifth part puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to deepen the marketization reform of auto insurance rate in our country. In terms of methods, this paper uses the macroeconomic theory such as game theory, supply and demand analysis and econometrics to collect a large amount of detailed data to specifically consider the impact of the market-oriented rate reform on property insurance companies. This paper analyzes the influence of the marketization reform of auto insurance rate from qualitative and quantitative aspects.


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