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发布时间:2018-10-21 15:33
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the aggravation of social transformation, the aging environment of the elderly in rural areas in China has changed dramatically, the problem of aging in rural areas is deepening day by day, and the problem of providing for the aged has become more serious. Who will raise, how to raise and so on a series of urgent problems. It is against this background that the rural mutual support for the aged has emerged in order to solve the problem of providing for the aged in our country at this stage. In 2012, the state proposed to strengthen the construction of rural communities and give full play to the function of providing for the aged in rural communities. It is clearly pointed out that the new pattern of mutual support for the aged in rural areas should be actively explored based on the establishment of villages and larger natural villages and relying on villagers' autonomy and collective economy, and the construction and popularization of these models should be called for in the whole country. As this pension model is just beginning, it is in the stage of pilot exploration, the theoretical research is not mature, and the systematic analysis and research of rural mutual support pension model is in blank state. Based on this thinking, this paper analyzes and expounds the rural mutual support pension model from the two aspects of theory and field research: on the one hand, it defines the concept of rural mutual support pension model in combination with the relevant sociological theory. The theoretical basis for its existence and development and its development ideas are deeply analyzed. It is considered that the mode of mutual support for the aged in rural areas is suitable for the transformation of rural society in our country, and under the current conditions of social and economic development, A theoretical summary of a set of operational mechanisms and structures for the aged in the transition period from the family old-age model to the social old-age model, which is realized by mobilizing various rural old-age resources through mutual aid. This model should conform to the reality of social transformation and realize the effective integration of rural traditional social capital and modern social capital, so as to build a meso platform for solving the problems facing rural old-age support at the present stage. For the development of rural areas have important value. On the other hand, on the basis of field investigation on the development status, operating mechanism, characteristics and effects of the Hebei Rural Mutual Assistance and Happiness Institute, which started relatively early, developed more mature and achieved full coverage throughout the country, Based on the systematic analysis of the advantages and feasibility of its popularization and the existing problems at the present stage, it is found that the rural mutual support pension model provides the main body and the specific operating mechanism of the endowment resources, regardless of the regional cultural background it produces. Or from the effect of whether or not it can meet the needs of the elderly, the rural mutual support pension model has positive promotion value and feasibility. But at the same time, there are still some problems such as dependence on government, lack of administrative color, lack of capital injection, inaccurate service orientation and lack of professional guidance on self-help ability of the elderly. On the basis of theoretical and practical experience analysis, this paper tries to perfect this mode of mutual support for the aged in rural areas from the aspects of principle and concrete operation, so as to provide an overall development framework for the popularization and popularization of this model in the rural areas of the country. In view of the existing problems, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the development of rural mutual support model from four aspects: management, fund, service and systematic development.


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