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发布时间:2018-10-23 09:06
[Abstract]:The economy of our country has been in the situation of insufficient consumption demand for a long time. It is necessary to give full play to the pulling effect of consumption demand on economic growth, especially in rural areas. China is a large agricultural country, but the development of agricultural insurance and agricultural development is extremely unbalanced, which is not conducive to the development of modern agriculture. The research of agricultural insurance is significant for perfecting the agricultural insurance system and promoting the rapid development of agriculture. Agricultural development as an important guarantee of economic development in China, we must maintain healthy and sustainable development. The exploration and implementation of agricultural insurance plan provides a good guarantee for farmers' production and operation, as well as a good guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of agriculture and the improvement of rural social insurance system. To develop agricultural insurance in China, we should strengthen legislation and set up agricultural statutory insurance, strengthen the advantages of agricultural insurance in the eyes of farmers, innovate the management system and establish policy-oriented and commercial agricultural insurance companies. To establish the modern financing and management system of agricultural insurance fund, to innovate the input mechanism, to draw lessons from the agricultural insurance management mechanism obtained at home and abroad, and to develop agricultural insurance in our country. The main research content of this paper lies in the management mode of agricultural insurance. First of all, this paper summarizes the basic contents of agricultural insurance in China, including the concept, classification, characteristics and functions of agricultural insurance in China. This paper points out the problems existing in the development of agricultural insurance in China at present, and analyzes these problems in detail, and studies the supply and demand situation and the existing problems of agricultural insurance in China carefully by the way of model analysis. Finally, in view of our country agriculture insurance management existence question has proposed the related solution proposal.


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