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发布时间:2018-10-24 08:28
【摘要】:2004至2013年我国非寿险业蓬勃发展,业务增速大体保持在13%—15%之间,2013年高达26%。虽然市场费率每年都在下滑,但保险业务却逐年上升,充分说明了市场发展空间潜力巨大。在改革开放的伟大政策下,我国的经济得以迅速发展,伴着如今的网络时代,全球经济逐渐融为一体,渗透于各个方面,不确定因素逐年增加。在人们物质文化生活提高的同时,保险业越来越受到人们的重视,保险业在全球一体化的市场上进入腾飞阶段的同时也进入了激烈的竞争状态,行业激烈竞争的特征十分明显。随着山东金融改革22条的出台,未来的5-10年会为成为金融业的黄金时期,也是保险行业的转轨期。如何改善了公司经营管理基础,,促进了业务发展,提高了盈利能力,逐步进入良性发展的轨道成为公司的当务之急,也是我研究此论题的主要目的。 本文的总体思路是:以战略管理理论、市场营销理论和创新理论为基础,结合企业具体的经营状况,主要分四步阐明: (1)通过对公司所处的外部总体环境和行业发展趋势进行深入的分析,辩证地、系统地、动态地分析青岛人保公司的优势和劣势,识别所面临的机会与威胁,从总体上把握青岛地区保险行业主要竞争对手的基本情况,预测未来竞争发展的态势;提出了公司面临宏观经济的高速增长带来的市场需求以及市场环境逐步规范的机会的同时,也面临金融危机的不良影响,虽然市场主体不断增加但行业寡头垄断的趋势也在增强,造成诸多负面影响。从行业发展趋势来说,效益竞争、技术竞争、管理竞争和服务竞争将成为未来最重要的竞争手段。 (2)分析该公司的自身的资源和能力等内部环境,指出该公司的优势和劣势,为公司规避劣势,抓住机会,抵御威胁,发挥优势,制定总的有效竞争战略提供理论依据; (3)运用SWOT分析和一般竞争战略模型,结合青岛人保公司的机会和优势,有针对性地提出差异化战略是公司竞争战略目标的必然选择,并围绕目标提出所要采取的竞争战略措施; (4)识别阻碍战略实现过程中的重要问题,选择实施拟定战略的战术方法,提出产品创新、营销渠道创新和服务创新是实施差异化的关键环节,此外,论述实施竞争战略的保障措施,包括调整组织结构、改革人力资源管理、加强基础管理等,确保战略目标的实现。
[Abstract]:China's non-life insurance industry flourished from 2004 to 2013, with business growth roughly between 13% and 15%, up to 26% in 2013. Although the market rate is declining every year, but the insurance business is rising year by year, which fully shows the great potential of the market development space. Under the great policy of reform and opening up, the economy of our country has been developed rapidly. With the network age, the global economy gradually melts into one, permeates all aspects, and the uncertain factors increase year by year. With the improvement of people's material and cultural life, more and more attention has been paid to the insurance industry. At the same time, the insurance industry has entered the stage of takeoff in the global integration market, and has also entered into the fierce competition state. The characteristics of the fierce competition in the industry are very obvious. With the introduction of 22 items of financial reform in Shandong Province, the next 5-10 years will be a golden period for the financial industry and a transitional period for the insurance industry. How to improve the foundation of company management, promote the business development, improve the profitability, step by step into the track of healthy development has become the top priority of the company, but also the main purpose of my research on this topic. The overall idea of this paper is: based on the strategic management theory, marketing theory and innovation theory, combined with the specific business situation of the enterprise, It is mainly divided into four steps: (1) through the in-depth analysis of the overall external environment and the industry development trend of the company, the strengths and weaknesses of Qingdao PICC are analyzed dialectically, systematically and dynamically. To identify the opportunities and threats, to grasp the basic situation of the main competitors in Qingdao insurance industry, and to predict the development of the future competition; It is pointed out that while the company is faced with the market demand brought by the rapid growth of the macro economy and the opportunity of gradually standardizing the market environment, it also faces the adverse effects of the financial crisis. Although the main body of the market is increasing, the trend of oligopoly is also increasing, resulting in many negative effects. In terms of industry development trend, benefit competition, technology competition, management competition and service competition will become the most important means of competition in the future. (2) analyze the internal environment of the company's own resources and capabilities. The advantages and disadvantages of the company are pointed out to provide theoretical basis for the company to avoid disadvantages, seize opportunities, resist threats, give full play to its advantages, and formulate its overall effective competitive strategy. (3) using SWOT analysis and general competitive strategy model, Combining the opportunities and advantages of Qingdao PICC, the paper puts forward the differentiation strategy is the inevitable choice of the competitive strategic goal of the company, and puts forward the competitive strategic measures to be taken around the target. (4) identify the important problems that hinder the realization of the strategy, choose the tactical method to implement the strategy, propose that product innovation, marketing channel innovation and service innovation are the key links of the implementation of differentiation. This paper discusses the guarantee measures of implementing the competition strategy, including adjusting the organizational structure, reforming the human resource management, strengthening the basic management, etc, to ensure the realization of the strategic goal.


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