[Abstract]:The heavy-tailed phenomenon is no stranger to us, it appears in almost all areas, insurance claims, financial time series data, network traffic, The distribution patterns of natural meteorological data and most human behavior data all show the characteristics of peak and thick tail. The extreme form of heavy-tailed phenomenon is characterized by extreme events, which are unexpected, but once they occur, they often lead to great influence and even extremely serious consequences. For heavy-tailed phenomenon, we generally describe it by heavy-tailed distribution. A heavy tail is essentially a description of the velocity at which the tail of a distribution tends to zero. Intuitively, when this velocity is slower than any exponential velocity, the distribution is heavy-tailed. The stable distribution is similar to the real empirical distribution in the form of the front exponent and the back-end power law, so the characterization of the heavy-tailed phenomenon has a better fitting effect. This paper mainly studies the heavy-tailed phenomenon from many angles, first of all, it studies the heavy-tailed phenomenon in the insurance and financial fields. In the field of insurance, the influence of heavy-tailed claims on the business stability of insurance companies is discussed, and the ruin probability is compared between exponential distribution and Pareto, Frechet,Weibull distribution. This paper discusses the risk measurement of financial market in the field of finance, and points out that the traditional method has some defects in estimating the VaR value, and the extreme value theory can better estimate the VaR.. Then, the heavy-tailed phenomenon is discussed from different theoretical perspectives (liquidity black hole perspective, nonlinear perspective), and the mechanism of heavy-tailed phenomenon is explored through positive feedback mechanism. Finally, this paper introduces the statistical description method of heavy-tailed phenomenon. The stable distribution is used to fit the daily income data of Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, and a good fitting effect is obtained. This paper is divided into six chapters, the research content is as follows: the first chapter, introduction. This paper introduces the background, significance and related literature of the selected topic, expounds the research contents and methods of the thesis, and explains the innovation and deficiency of the paper. The second chapter, the heavy tail claims under the insurance company's business stability analysis. In this paper, we discuss the influence of heavy-tailed claims on the business robustness of insurance companies, and compare the ruin probability of claims with exponential distribution and Pareto,Frechet,Weibull distribution. Chapter three, the risk measurement research of financial market under the circumstance of heavy end. This paper discusses the defects of traditional method in estimating VaR value, and holds that extreme value theory can better estimate VaR. in heavy-tailed cases. Chapter 4, the statistical description of heavy-tailed phenomenon. The heavy-tailed distribution and the stable distribution are introduced and the analytic expressions of the eigenfunction of the stable distribution are derived. Chapter 5, steady distribution fitting of heavy-tailed phenomenon. Taking the daily income data of Shanghai stock index as an example, the heavy-tailed test is carried out, and the stable distribution is used to fit the income sequence, and a good fitting effect is obtained.
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