[Abstract]:The development of rural commercial insurance is the biggest concern and support to the policy of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The development of rural commercial insurance is beneficial to promote the sustainable development of rural regional economy, to give China's economic growth a sustained power and support from the basic level, and to better protect the material life of rural residents. By the end of 2014, the total population of Hunan province was 72.0229 million, of which the rural population reached 36.53 million. The large scale of rural residents provided the possibility for the development of Hunan rural commercial insurance. This paper takes Hunan Province as the regional background and Hunan rural commercial insurance as the main research content, taking the present situation and countermeasures of Hunan Province rural commercial insurance as the main line of analysis. Based on the analysis of the relationship between supply and demand of rural commercial insurance in Hunan Province, this paper analyzes the product structure of rural commercial insurance in Hunan Province, starting from the natural, economic and social basis of rural commercial insurance in Hunan Province. Insurance depth and density and insurance marketing channels, and in view of Hunan Province rural commercial insurance demanders overall weak, rural commercial insurance providers lack of attention to the rural market, The problems of the insurance products in the rural market are not suitable for the market demand and the development of the rural commercial insurance market is not strong enough. The successful experience of the development of agricultural insurance in developed countries is taken as a reference. In order to accelerate the development of rural commercial insurance in Hunan Province, it is necessary to develop rural commercial insurance products suitable for provincial conditions, strengthen the marketing management and service construction of rural commercial insurance, and rationally distribute rural commercial insurance outlets and marketing channels. Suggestions to improve the supervision system of rural commercial insurance.
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