[Abstract]:With the development of insurance industry and the aggravation of competition, there are more and more insurance with dividend. The research of risk model with dividend strategy has become a hot topic of risk theory research. In this paper, based on several discrete time risk models, the corresponding risk models with dividend strategy are established, and the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function, ruin probability, ruin duration and the distribution of surplus before bankruptcy are studied. The distribution of bankruptcy deficit at the time of bankruptcy and the related properties of output. The main work is as follows: 1. Based on the compound Markov binomial model, a compound Markov binomial risk model for dividend payment is established. In this paper, the defective renewal equation and its asymptotic estimate of conditional and unconditional Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function are given, and the conditional and unconditional ruin probability is obtained. The recursive formula and its asymptotic solution for the distribution of conditional and unconditional ruin deficit. 2. In this paper, we discuss the compound binomial risk model of double insurance for dividend payment with a dividend bound as a general nonnegative integer. In this paper, we discuss simultaneously the case that the surplus is greater than or less than the dividend bound, and obtain the renewal equation of Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function and its progressive expression, ruin probability, distribution of bankruptcy deficit, etc. 3. A discrete time risk model with a special dividend policy is studied. The difference equation and boundary conditions of the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function of the model are obtained, and the analytical expression of its commutation function is given. The recurrence formulas and numerical examples of surplus distribution and ruin duration distribution before bankruptcy are also given. Finally, the model is extended to a more general update risk model.
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