[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of information technology, the importance of data and information to the insurance industry has become more and more prominent, and insurance information system has become the core competitiveness of insurance companies. Compared with investment in fixed assets such as production equipment, the construction of insurance information system has more risks. Blind or excessive construction will not only bring irreparable losses to the company, but also affect the overall strategic planning of the company. The comprehensive evaluation of insurance information system provides a scientific and reliable analysis method for insurance companies, so that companies can effectively control the risks and find problems in the construction of insurance information systems. This paper expounds the development course of insurance information system, analyzes the importance of insurance information system to insurance company through systematic analysis structure, and evaluates insurance information system from the angle of comprehensive evaluation. Firstly, the comprehensive evaluation index of insurance information system is decomposed from the five aspects of reliability, responsiveness, maneuverability, satisfaction degree and comprehensive management degree, and the comprehensive evaluation index system is determined and the comprehensive evaluation model is established. Then the relative importance and performance of the comprehensive evaluation index of the insurance information system are evaluated by collecting the open investigation report and questionnaire to the selected experts. Then, AHP is used to calculate the comprehensive weight and its effectiveness of each comprehensive evaluation index. By using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the membership matrix of the evaluation value of each comprehensive evaluation index is calculated. Considering the comprehensive weight of the comprehensive evaluation index and the membership matrix of the evaluation value of each index, the comprehensive evaluation level of the system is obtained. Finally, the whole level of the insurance information system is tested by the evaluation results, and the aspects that need to be solved or can be improved are found out.
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