[Abstract]:In the insurance industry of our country, motor vehicle insurance (abbreviated as auto insurance) has become the largest insurance premium of property insurance company. This paper mainly studies the marketing channel management of vehicle insurance in company A. It has good reference value for A company's marketing channel management and development planning innovation in auto insurance business. The full text is divided into four chapters, a total of three parts. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the concept, characteristics and market of motor vehicle marketing channel, as well as the theory of marketing channel at home and abroad. At the same time, the macroeconomic environment, regulatory environment, technology environment and demand environment of China's auto insurance market are analyzed and summarized. The classification of vehicle insurance marketing channels and the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of each channel are briefly described. This paper briefly introduces the concept of channel conflict, the causes of formation and so on. According to the present situation and internal and external influencing factors of A company's auto insurance marketing channel, the paper studies each channel of A company's auto insurance marketing one by one. Found that A company in the car insurance personal marketing channels there are difficulties in expanding the market, the loss of salespeople is more serious, the upper level of marketing staff attention is not enough, and so on; In the team marketing channel, the marketing members are easy to receive training and other problems such as uneven absorption; in the telephone marketing channel, the marketing personnel's business quality is insufficient, customer information collection is difficult, and the acceptance of insurance products is not high. In the network marketing channel, the customer experience degree is low, in the intermediary marketing channel, the legal status of the marketing personnel is more confused, the agency company status is lower, and so on by the impact of financial institutions, and so on. According to SWOT analysis, A company's environment and its own advantages and disadvantages are listed. Finally, according to each channel problem of company A, the author puts forward the countermeasures, and points out that in the marketing strategy, attention should be paid to the subdivision of each vehicle insurance marketing channel, the differentiation of products and channels, the adoption of appropriate means of promotion and service innovation. Effectively improve the quality of marketing personnel and service quality, improve the incentive and assessment system, strengthen effective communication among channel members, adapt to the changing market demand. Then it is extended to the whole industry to make the motor vehicle insurance industry develop continuously, healthily, orderly and rapidly, and contribute to the growth of the national economy.
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