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发布时间:2018-11-17 07:29
[Abstract]:In July 2016, Qianhai Life spent $8 billion on Vanke, becoming the second-largest shareholder in property giant Vanke and a hot topic in the capital markets. In fact, in the past two years, a number of small and medium-sized life insurance companies, through universal insurance for leverage. For consumers with the idea of "pursuing both stability and investment returns" at this stage, universal insurance and investment insurance are undoubtedly the best choices for new life insurance products. And to safeguard the traditional life insurance products will naturally be left out. In order to cater to the consumer's consumption preference and the consideration of the stock development strategy of the life insurance company, the life insurance company issued universal insurance and invested the insurance on a large scale, which made the new investment life insurance products develop rapidly. Overdevelopment of an innovative insurance product can pose serious solvency risks, affecting the health of insurance companies and even the industry as a whole. The new insurance risk management of the second generation solvency regulatory system is formally implemented. The CIRC has repeatedly stressed that it is necessary to correctly grasp the orientation and development direction of the insurance industry, perfect the rules, and promote the orderly development of universal insurance norms. Based on the above background, this paper studies whether the new type of investment life insurance products, such as universal insurance and investment linked insurance, will affect the solvency of life insurance companies. What is the relationship with the solvency of life insurance companies? This paper first introduces the concept of solvency and the factors affecting it, and the concept of investment life insurance products. Then the influence of investment in life insurance products on solvency of life insurance companies is analyzed theoretically. Then, taking the data of 30 life insurance companies from 2010 to 2013 as the sample, using factor analysis to get the comprehensive score of solvency of each life insurance company, and then taking the comprehensive score of solvency as the explanatory variable. The proportion of premium income of investment life insurance products is taken as the explanatory variable, the proportion of premium income of dividend insurance and the proportion of premium income of general insurance are used as reference variables for panel regression analysis. The conclusions are as follows: first, the larger the scale of investment in life insurance products, the less conducive to the solvency level of life insurance companies; second, the share of dividend insurance and the solvency of life insurance companies show a positive correlation; Third, the size of the general insurance share and the solvency of the life insurance companies do not show the same significant effect as the share of the universal insurance and the share of the dividend insurance on the solvency. On the basis of the above research results, this paper puts forward some substantive suggestions from the perspectives of universal insurance, investment insurance, life insurance product development and the solvency optimization of life insurance companies.


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