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发布时间:2018-11-23 18:41
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国保险业一直保持强劲的发展势头,是国民经济发展最快的行业之一,已经成为社会主义市场经济不可或缺的重要组成部分,我国保险市场也成为全球最具活力的保险市场之一。根据国际经验,保险业快速发展时期也是问题集中暴露的时期,现阶段,我国保险业有效需求不足,缺乏服务创新和高素质人才,区域发展失衡的结构性矛盾也愈来愈突出。2011年,国际国内经济金融环境复杂,货币市场和资本市场波动较大,债市供求失衡,收益难以提升,股指跌幅位居全球首位,对投资收益造成严重影响,总体来看,无论国外市场还是国内市场,保险资金运用的压力和风险都在加大,监管部门也面临新的问题和挑战。① 本文在参阅了大量有关保险业发展的文献的基础上,从理论上阐述了我国保险业发展的非经济影响因素,并选取2002—2011年全国30个省市的面板数据,,采用固定效应模型对GDP、城乡居民存款储蓄年底余额、人均可支配收入与总保费收入的关系进行回归分析,结果表明:人均可支配收入、城乡居民存款储蓄余额、GDP均和总保费收入存在正相关关系,且人均可支配收入对总保费收入的贡献度最大,城乡居民储蓄存款年底余额次之,GDP对保费收入的贡献度最小。然后从保险业的发展规模、保险业的发展程度和保险业的发展速度三方面比较东中西三大区域的保险业发展情况,选取2011年全国30个省市的8项指标构建评价体系,运用SPSS软件进行主成分分析和聚类分析,根据保险业发展水平的高低把30个省市划分为4类,结果表明:影响保险业发展水平的主要因素是其动力因子;保险业发展水平的区域差异明显,整体表现为东部发达、中西部落后。在理论分析和实证分析的基础上提出促进我国保险业全面协调可持续发展的对策建议。从保险业自身发展看,应加快信息化建设,实施人才兴业战略,完善再保险服务体系等。从区域视角看,东部地区应凭借资金优势积极培育核心技术,推动产品服务创新;中西部应加快经济发展,积极开发特色险种使其潜在的保险资源优势转化为现实的竞争优势;此外,区域保险一体化是区域经济一体化对保险业发展的新要求。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's insurance industry has maintained a strong momentum of development, is one of the fastest growing industries of the national economy, and has become an indispensable and important part of the socialist market economy. China's insurance market has also become one of the most dynamic insurance markets in the world. According to international experience, the period of rapid development of insurance industry is also a period of concentrated exposure of problems. At the present stage, China's insurance industry is short of effective demand, lacking of service innovation and high-quality talents. The structural contradiction of regional development imbalance is becoming more and more prominent. In 2011, the international and domestic economic and financial environment was complex, the money market and capital market fluctuated greatly, the supply and demand of the bond market was out of balance, the income was difficult to improve, and the stock index fell first in the world. It has a serious impact on investment returns. In general, whether in the foreign or domestic markets, the pressure and risks in the use of insurance funds are increasing. Regulators are also facing new problems and challenges. 1 based on a large number of documents on the development of the insurance industry, this paper theoretically expounds the non-economic factors affecting the development of the insurance industry in China. The panel data of 30 provinces and cities in China from 2002 to 2011 are selected, and the fixed effect model is used to analyze the relationship between the balance of deposit savings at the end of the year, the per capita disposable income and the total premium income of urban and rural residents in GDP,. The results show that per capita disposable income, savings balance of urban and rural residents, GDP are positively correlated with total premium income, and the contribution of per capita disposable income to total premium income is the largest, followed by the balance of urban and rural residents' savings deposits at the end of the year. The contribution of GDP to premium income is the least. Then compare the development of insurance industry between East, West and West from three aspects: the scale of insurance industry, the degree of insurance industry development and the development speed of insurance industry, and select 8 indexes of 30 provinces and cities in 2011 to build an evaluation system. The principal component analysis and cluster analysis of SPSS software are used to divide 30 provinces and cities into 4 categories according to the level of insurance industry development. The results show that the main factor affecting the development level of insurance industry is its dynamic factor; The regional difference of insurance industry development level is obvious, the whole performance is eastern developed, central and western backwardness. On the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the overall coordinated and sustainable development of China's insurance industry. From the point of view of the development of insurance industry, we should speed up the construction of information, implement the strategy of starting up business with talents, and perfect the service system of reinsurance. From the regional point of view, the eastern region should actively cultivate the core technology and promote the innovation of products and services by virtue of its capital advantage, and the central and western regions should speed up economic development and actively develop characteristic insurance resources so that their potential insurance resource advantages can be transformed into realistic competitive advantages. In addition, regional insurance integration is the new requirement of regional economic integration to the development of insurance industry.


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1 杜聪慧;崔永伟;崔玉杰;;我国保险业发展影响因素的实证分析[J];北方工业大学学报;2006年01期

2 徐哲,冯U




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