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发布时间:2018-11-24 11:28
[Abstract]:With the development of medical and health service and the improvement of living standard, the life expectancy of all members of the society is prolonged. The aging of the whole society highlights the risk of longevity. The risk of longevity will lead to the shortage of endowment resources and the decline of living standards of the elderly. Annuity products have become an effective tool for preventing longevity risks. A personal annuity can pay a regular premium to an investor after an agreed date until the investor dies. This paper discusses the factors that can affect the individual pension allocation decision from the angle of social individual and how these factors influence the individual investment decision. By establishing the decision model of personal pension allocation for the elderly, this paper focuses on the analysis of survival probability, risk preference, legacy motivation, investment return rate of pension fund. And pension management costs and other factors in the process of buying annuity investors play a role. The increase of investment rate and survival probability of annuity fund can increase purchase intention. Increased management fee rates and bequeath incentives will reduce purchase willingness. The analysis shows that the existence of bequest motivation is the common feature of investors. The existence of annuity reduces investors' willingness to buy and limits the function of annuity to prevent longevity risk. In order to make more old people accept annuity, and to make the function of preventing longevity risk get full play, this paper puts forward the improvement scheme of personal annuity product. The new design adds an alternative to the original pension scheme. This option allows investors' heirs to receive a final payment from an insurance company after their death. As a result, the investor's legacy motivation is satisfied. This increases the purchase of annuities by the elderly. The function of annuity to prevent longevity risk can also be given full play. This paper discusses how to allocate personal annuity to prevent longevity risk. This paper not only compares the actual situation of our country, by analyzing the factors that influence the disposition of personal annuity, finds out the best time to allocate the product of personal annuity, resist the risk of longevity, but also puts forward the design scheme of personal annuity. It is good for life insurance companies to innovate and increase income.


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