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发布时间:2018-11-25 15:59
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国的私营经济得到了飞速的发展,私营企业在国民经济中的比重逐渐增多,给我国的经济发展带来新的生机。然而,私营企业的医疗保险发展状况却不容乐观,不仅与国有企业相比严重滞后,也与我国私营经济的快速发展不同步。私营企业医疗保险面临着各种问题,使得其中大部分员工仍然游离于医疗保险制度的主流框架之外。 这种问题在吉林省也普遍存在,直接影响了劳动力的灵活就业和吉林省经济的可持续发展。我国的医疗保险体系既包括国有企业员工也包括私营企业员工,但在具体执行过程中常常出现各种问题,造成了私营企业医疗保险方面的困境,,私营企业中大部分员工没有享受到医疗保险待遇。 本文以如何改善吉林省私营企业医疗保险的困境为研究目的,首先简述吉林省医疗保险的实施背景和医疗保险的实施现状;继之,对笔者所进行的吉林省9个市县的39家私营企业的调查问卷进行分析总结,揭示吉林省私营企业医疗保险的困境;针对私营企业在参保过程中显现出的各类问题,详细探寻困境背后的原因;考察原因时,主要考察政府、私营企业及劳动者这三个方面;并借鉴其他省、市的成功经验,比较吉林省,找出差距与不足;最后,为解决吉林省私营企业医疗保险的困境提出有针对性的建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the private economy of our country has been developing rapidly, and the proportion of private enterprises in the national economy has gradually increased, which brings new vitality to the economic development of our country. However, the development of medical insurance in private enterprises is not optimistic. It is not only lagged seriously compared with state-owned enterprises, but also out of step with the rapid development of private economy in China. Private sector health insurance faces a variety of problems, leaving most of its employees outside the mainstream framework of health insurance. This problem also exists in Jilin Province, which directly affects the flexible employment of labor force and the sustainable development of Jilin's economy. China's medical insurance system includes both state-owned and private enterprise employees, but in the process of implementation, there are often various problems, resulting in the plight of private enterprise medical insurance. Most employees in the private sector are not covered by health insurance. This paper aims at how to improve the plight of the private enterprise medical insurance in Jilin Province. Firstly, the background of the implementation of the medical insurance in Jilin Province and the status quo of the implementation of the medical insurance are briefly described. Secondly, the author analyzes and summarizes the questionnaire of 39 private enterprises in 9 cities and counties of Jilin Province, and reveals the plight of medical insurance of private enterprises in Jilin Province. In view of the various problems that appear in the process of participating in the insurance, the reasons behind the predicament are explored in detail, and the three aspects of government, private enterprise and laborer are mainly investigated when the reasons are examined. And draw lessons from the successful experience of other provinces and cities, compare Jilin Province, find out the gap and insufficiency; finally, to solve the plight of private enterprise medical insurance in Jilin Province put forward targeted suggestions.


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