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发布时间:2018-11-26 07:04
[Abstract]:The increasing number of main bodies in the agricultural insurance market indicates that more and more insurance companies are optimistic about the development prospects of agricultural insurance and are willing to contribute to the development of agricultural modernization and national food security. But some provinces and cities agricultural insurance management main body too many, the market order is not good, also becomes a question day by day. It is necessary to demonstrate and study whether the agricultural insurance market should restrict the competition properly in order to take effective measures to control it. The author thinks that the agricultural insurance market in our country is an incomplete market, which can only carry out limited competition. The main reason is that the agricultural insurance market is different from the general property and life insurance market. The formation of its price is different from that of other commercial insurance prices, but practice shows that excessive competition and even vicious competition not only harm the national interests but also the interests of insured farmers. In fact, the agricultural insurance market in many countries has also taken appropriate institutional arrangements to restrict competition or taken corresponding measures. On the basis of argumentation, the author puts forward some ways and measures to limit excessive market competition.
【作者单位】: 首都经济贸易大学;


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