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发布时间:2018-11-26 07:38
【摘要】:保险是随着整个社会经济的发展而产生的。保险的作用很多,首先能及时补偿灾害事故损失。在社会经济发展过程中,,自然灾害、意外事故造成的经济损失是经常发生的,它会造成生产的停滞或中断,甚至使企业破产倒闭。有了保险,企业一旦遇到风险损失就可以及时得到经济补偿,最大限度地减轻灾害事故损失的消极影响,保障企业生产计划的完成和职工福利;其次,有利于国民经济的持续稳定发展。在国民经济的发展过程中,很多时候会发生一些由不可抗力造成的自然灾害和意外事故,这就会使企业的生产经营活动中断,进而影响国民经济的整体运行。最后,能促进技术进步。在社会生产中采用新技术和新工艺,是提高社会劳动生产率和促进经济发展的重要因素。但新技术、新工艺的应用都要付出代价,花费较高成本,而这种费用往往都伴随着新的风险。通过保险可以大大鼓励企业家用于创新,为开辟新的生产领域大胆应用新技术、新工艺,因此,保险为新技术、新工艺的推广和应用撑腰壮胆,最终将促进技术的进步。 文章先对使用计量经济学的方法对湘西民族地区财产保险赔款对财产保险保险费收入的滞后分析,发现滞后到第一年时最为显著。同时选取产险收入作为产险需求的衡量指标,新增民用汽车拥有量、社会固定资产投资总额、民事诉讼受理件数、出口贸易总值作为分别反映拉动车险、工程险、企业财产险、责任险、信用险等五个产险主要子险种需求的直接内因,并运用回归分析研究湘西民族地区财产保险市场的发展特点,通过研究发现,湘西民族地区财产保险收入逐年增加,其市场潜力巨大;湘西民族地区财产保险的赔款支出对财产保险收入有较强的示范效应。然后从市场集中度、产品差异化程度以及市场进入和退出壁垒来分析湘西民族地区的财产保险市场的市场结构,进而提出优化湘西民族地区(湘西自治州)保险市场结构的具体措施。再次主要从承保利润、保费利润率、费用率、赔付率、资产利润率以及保费利润率等财务指标实证研究湘西民族地区的市场绩效。通过研究发现:湘西民族地区财产保险业整体获利能力一般,并逐渐呈下降趋势。最后利用实证分析方法来分析湘西民族地区保险公司经济绩效。对湘西民族地区财产保险市场结构、行为、绩效提升有着重要的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Insurance comes into being with the development of the whole society and economy. The function of insurance is many, can compensate disaster accident loss in time first. In the process of social and economic development, the economic losses caused by natural disasters and accidents often occur, which will lead to the stagnation or interruption of production and even the bankruptcy of enterprises. With insurance, once enterprises encounter risk losses, they can get economic compensation in time, minimize the negative impact of disaster and accident losses, and ensure the completion of production plans and employee welfare. Secondly, it is conducive to the sustained and stable development of the national economy. In the course of the development of the national economy, some natural disasters and accidents caused by force majeure will occur, which will interrupt the production and management activities of enterprises, and then affect the overall operation of the national economy. Finally, it can promote technological progress. The adoption of new technology and technology in social production is an important factor to improve social labor productivity and promote economic development. But the new technology and the application of the new process all have to pay the price, the cost is higher, and this kind of expense often carries the new risk. Through insurance, entrepreneurs can be greatly encouraged to use innovation, and new technologies and processes can be applied boldly in order to open up new fields of production. Therefore, insurance will support the promotion and application of new technologies and processes, and ultimately promote the progress of technology. The paper first analyzes the lag of property insurance indemnity to property insurance income by econometrics method, and finds that the lag to the first year is the most significant. At the same time, we select the income from property insurance as the measure of the demand for property insurance, increase the ownership of civil vehicles, the total investment in fixed assets of the society, the number of cases accepted in civil proceedings, and the total value of export trade as a reflection of pulling auto insurance, engineering insurance, property insurance of enterprises, respectively. The direct internal causes of the demand for five major sub-types of property insurance, such as liability insurance and credit insurance, and the use of regression analysis to study the development characteristics of property insurance market in western Hunan ethnic areas. Through the study, it is found that the income of property insurance in Xiangxi ethnic areas increases year by year. Its market potential is huge; The indemnity expenditure of property insurance in western Hunan nationality area has strong demonstration effect on property insurance income. Then it analyzes the market structure of property insurance market in Xiangxi ethnic areas from the market concentration degree, product differentiation degree and market entry and exit barriers. And then put forward the specific measures to optimize the structure of insurance market in Xiangxi ethnic region (Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture). Thirdly, the paper empirically studies the market performance of Xiangxi ethnic minority area from the financial indicators such as underwriting profit, premium profit rate, expense rate, loss rate, asset profit rate and premium profit rate and so on. It is found that the overall profitability of property insurance industry in western Hunan nationality area is general and gradually declining. Finally, the paper analyzes the economic performance of insurance companies in western Hunan ethnic areas by using empirical analysis method. It is of great significance to improve the structure, behavior and performance of property insurance market in western Hunan.


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