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发布时间:2018-11-26 08:52
【摘要】:我国车险市场中,参与市场竞争的财险企业众多,但真正能够在车险业务中取得赢利的企业却非常有限,超过半数的财险企业车险承保利润为负数。市场竞争激烈。随着车险市场的不断发展,市场竞争逐步走向规范有序。作为财险企业主要保费来源的车险业务,通过不断创新营销渠道,提升营销部门的市场拓展水平已经成为财险企业关注的重点问题之一。XX财险信阳支公司是XX财险下属的三级机构,主要负责信阳区域内的财产保险业务。从财产保险各项业务占比看,车险业务保费收入占比超九成,是信阳支公司的核心业务。做好车险营销,对于信阳支公司而言有着十分重要的现实意义。 本文首先介绍了机动车辆保险的基本概念及与市场营销中的STP、7Ps和服务营销相关理论并对车险营销的相关文献进行了分析。在此基础上从公司基本情况、组织架构、车险业务现状、车险营销中存在的问题等方面介绍XX财险信阳支公司营销现状。第三,通过运用PEST和SWOT等战略分析工具,结合信阳支公司营销现状,对公司所处的内、外部环境做了重点分析。研究发现面对复杂多变的内、外部环境,信阳支公司在效益优先的前提下应细分目标市场,不断推进渠道创新,实施差异化的竞争策略。据此,本文对XX财险信阳支公司车险业务的营销策略展开研究。通过市场细分策略,提出信阳支公司应重点选择信阳城区及东部县区“80后”年轻车主作为目标客户群,运用公司先进的电话、网络营销平台,开发个性化产品,树立产品品牌形象,巩固公司在信阳车险市场地位。在明确市场定位及目标客户群之后,本文根据7Ps理论,从产品、价格、渠道、促销等方面重点分析了信阳支公司的营销策略,并提出了相应的保障措施。
[Abstract]:In the automobile insurance market of our country, there are many property insurance enterprises participating in the market competition, but the enterprises that can make profits in the automobile insurance business are very limited, and more than half of the property insurance enterprises have negative underwriting profits. The market is highly competitive. With the continuous development of the auto insurance market, the market competition is gradually moving towards standard and orderly. As the main source of insurance premiums for property insurance enterprises, auto insurance business, through continuous innovation marketing channels, Improving the market expansion level of the marketing department has become one of the key issues that the property insurance enterprises pay attention to. The XX property insurance Xinyang branch company is the third level organization under the XX property insurance mainly responsible for the property insurance business in Xinyang area. From the property insurance business accounts for more than 90% of the insurance premium income is the core business of Xinyang branch company. Good car insurance marketing, for Xinyang branch company has a very important practical significance. This paper first introduces the basic concept of motor vehicle insurance and the related theories of STP,7Ps and service marketing in marketing, and analyzes the related literature of auto insurance marketing. On this basis from the company's basic situation, organizational structure, car insurance business status, auto insurance marketing problems and other aspects of XX property insurance Xinyang branch company marketing situation. Third, through the use of PEST and SWOT and other strategic analysis tools, combined with the Xinyang branch company marketing situation, the company's internal and external environment is analyzed emphatically. It is found that in the face of complex internal and external environment, Xinyang branch company should subdivide the target market, promote channel innovation and implement differentiated competition strategy under the premise of priority of benefit. Based on this, this paper studies the marketing strategy of the auto insurance business of XX property Insurance Xinyang Branch Company. Through the strategy of market segmentation, the paper puts forward that Xinyang branch company should focus on selecting young car owners of "post-80s" in Xinyang city and eastern counties as the target customer group, using the company's advanced telephone and network marketing platform to develop personalized products. Establish product brand image, consolidate the company in Xinyang auto insurance market position. Based on the theory of 7Ps, this paper analyzes the marketing strategy of Xinyang branch company from the aspects of product, price, channel and promotion, and puts forward the corresponding safeguard measures.


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