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发布时间:2018-11-26 09:35
[Abstract]:Canada's pension system consists of old-age security, Canada / Quebec pension plan and private pension scheme. Among them, the old-age security system includes four aspects: basic pension, guaranteed income subsidy, spouse's allowance and survivor's allowance, and Canada / Quebec pension plan includes retirement pension, survivor's benefit and disability benefit. Private pension plans include personal pensions and personal savings plans. In general, they pay attention to the responsibility sharing mechanism, adopt tax preference, implement flexible retirement, have many levels, wide coverage, all kinds of advantages. However, there are many insurmountable contradictions in the development of the endowment insurance system in our country. To learn from the experience of Canada's construction, we should establish a unified multi-level pension security system according to the principle of giving priority to the personnel of the middle and low income groups. We should explore the mechanism of cost sharing, implement preferential tax policies, adopt flexible retirement age, perfect the law and straighten out the management system of various departments, and promote the fair and sustainable development of China's old-age security system in a down-to-earth manner.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学;


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