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发布时间:2018-11-26 12:48
[Abstract]:The old-age insurance system in the social security system has been a key topic of common concern all over the world over the years. The old-age insurance of urban workers in China is not only related to the redistribution of income of the vast number of urban workers. It is related to the life security of workers after retirement, so urban workers pension insurance is paid more attention. In 1997, China began to implement the combination of social planning and personal accounts of urban workers' pension insurance. In the past twenty years, with the development of the aging trend of population structure and the defects of the personal account system in China, the personal account system of the old-age insurance in China is facing a series of difficulties in the process of development. In view of this, this paper tries to study the perfect strategy of the personal account pension system of urban workers. This paper elaborates the theoretical basis of the personal account system of urban workers' pension insurance in China by using the method of literature research and data analysis: the theory of life cycle consumption, the theory of fatherhood and the theory of principal-agent. On the basis of these theoretical studies, this paper probes into the development course and present situation of the personal account system, and analyzes some problems arising from the personal account pension system of urban workers in China: the scale of "empty account" of personal account is getting larger and larger. Personal account fund investment and operation difficulties, personal account system lack of effective regulatory mechanism and so on. With these issues in mind, in terms of the composition of individual accounts, the payment of expenses, payment and collection, and the investment, operation and supervision of personal account funds to Singapore, Chile, This paper analyzes and compares the pension system of individual account in three countries of Sweden, and abstracts the reference points of pension system in different countries to the pension system of personal account in our country. Finally, according to the national conditions of our country and the experiences of Singapore, Chile and Sweden, this paper sums up the countermeasures and suggestions for perfecting the personal account pension system of urban workers in China: firstly, from the government to bear the cost of the transformation process, Social overall planning and individual accounts are managed in the form of separate accounts, and the three aspects of realizing the investment and operation of the fund sum up the ways of making the personal account system of urban workers and staff members solid; Then it explores the countermeasures of optimizing the investment and operation of the personal account fund of urban workers from three aspects: clear the main body of fund investment, perfect the mechanism of capital market and reasonable choice of fund investment tool; Finally, the suggestions of perfecting the supervision system of personal account pension system of urban workers are summarized from the aspects of perfecting the supervision system of personal account system and the informatization and transparency of implementing the supervision of personal account system.


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