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发布时间:2018-11-28 11:25
【摘要】:随着社会的不断进步,预防优先的工伤保险制度已经在发达国家逐步成为工伤保险事业发展的主流。根据国际劳工组织的统计资料表明,全球每年发生的工伤大概为1.25亿次,包括职业病每年大概造成200万人死亡,其中33.5万人死在工作场所,平均每分钟有2人因工伤导致死亡。自20世纪90年代以来,世界工伤事故10万人死亡率总体呈现下降趋势,发达国家工伤事故死亡率在6人以下,其中英国控制在1人以下,与之相比,我国的工伤事故10万人死亡率今年来一直在10人左右,工伤事故的预防与发达国家还存在着较大的差距。虽然改革开放后,我国制定了一系列的法律法规,《企业职工工伤保险试行办法》、《工伤保险条例》和《社会保险法》,但总体来讲,我国现行的工伤保险制度是“重赔偿、轻预防”的消极赔偿模式,这和我国经济的高速发展是不相匹配的,导致这种现状的原因颇多,需要我们以极大的智慧和勇气来加以完善。 本文采用了文献研究与比较分析相结合的方法,,首先介绍了工伤预防的基础概念和理论,接下来简单回顾了自建国以来天津市工伤保险和工伤预防的发展历程,针对我国工伤预防工作的现实情况及存在的问题,并通过与德国、美国、日本等国家的工伤预防制度相比较,归纳总结出对我国工伤预防制度的借鉴之处。最后,对我国工伤预防的相关对策进行了分析,即强调法律法规的政策保障,分工明确的组织管理,在数据分析的基础上,建立科学合理的善费率奖惩机制,通过多种途径的工伤预防宣传和培训,进一步提高我国的工伤预防工作水平。
[Abstract]:With the development of society, the preemptive industrial injury insurance system has gradually become the mainstream of industrial injury insurance in developed countries. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) statistics, there are about 125 million work-related injuries in the world every year, including about 2 million deaths caused by occupational diseases each year, of which 335000 people die in the workplace. On average, two people die per minute as a result of industrial injuries. Since the 1990s, the mortality rate of 100000 industrial accidents in the world has shown a general downward trend. In developed countries, the death rate of industrial accidents is below 6, of which the United Kingdom has controlled less than one. The death rate of 100000 industrial accidents in China has been about 10 this year, and there is still a big gap between the prevention of industrial accidents in China and the developed countries. Although China has formulated a series of laws and regulations after the reform and opening up, "measures for trial implementation of Industrial injury Insurance for Enterprise employees", "regulations on Industrial injury Insurance" and "Social Insurance Law", generally speaking, the current industrial injury insurance system in China is "heavy compensation." The passive compensation mode of light prevention does not match with the rapid development of our economy. There are many reasons leading to this situation, and we need to perfect it with great wisdom and courage. This paper introduces the basic concepts and theories of industrial injury prevention by combining literature research with comparative analysis, and then briefly reviews the development of industrial injury insurance and industrial injury prevention in Tianjin since the founding of the people's Republic of China. In view of the actual situation and existing problems of industrial injury prevention in China, and by comparing with the industrial injury prevention system of Germany, the United States, Japan and other countries, the author sums up the reference points for the industrial injury prevention system in our country. Finally, the author analyzes the relevant countermeasures of industrial injury prevention in China, that is, emphasizing the policy guarantee of laws and regulations, organizing and managing the division of labor clearly, establishing a scientific and reasonable mechanism of reward and punishment of good rate on the basis of data analysis. To further improve the level of industrial injury prevention in China through various ways of industrial injury prevention publicity and training.


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