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发布时间:2018-11-28 12:29
【摘要】:全球老龄化问题日益严重,世界上许多发达国家已由年轻型社会步入到老龄化社会。在全球的大背景下,于1998年跨入到了老龄化社会,中国是“未富先老”的发展中大国,即要保持经济的稳定发展,又要解决好人口老龄化产生的问题。许多社会问题可能由人口老龄化而产生,解决老年人养老、养老与保障其良好生活质量,对公共养老金提出了新的要求,养老保险制度的改革涉及面广,关系到每一个公民的切身利益,早已成为当今中国社会焦点问题。辽宁省市我国重要的老工业基地之一,由于90年代的国企改制,导致下岗失业人数众多,老年贫困群体数量众多,辽宁省面临的养老金支付压力很大,研究养老金是否能够在未来保障老龄人的生活具有重要意义。 为了应对养老金可能不足的问题,1998年,我国在1998年将社会化养老保险基金模式由现收现付制转变为部分积累制,意在加强个人自我储蓄意愿,调动个人养老储蓄积极性,以提高应对人口老龄化。辽宁省作为养老金改革的试点省份,近些年的改革进展如何,改革的效果是否令人满意,值得进行深入演技。 本论文从辽宁省城镇养老保险现状入手,,对全省养老情况进行综合性描述后,重点分析了沈阳和锦州城镇养老保险问题,设定了具体的评价指标体系,借助因子分析法对辽宁省当下养老保险效益进行评价,发现其养老保险状况存在波动现象,并在文中提出了针对性的对策建议。
[Abstract]:The problem of global aging is becoming more and more serious. Many developed countries in the world have stepped into the aging society from a light society. Under the background of the whole world, China stepped into an aging society in 1998. China is a big developing country which is old before it is rich, that is, to maintain the stable development of economy and to solve the problem of aging population. Many social problems may arise from the aging of the population. To solve the problem of the aged, to provide for the aged and to guarantee their good quality of life, new requirements have been put forward for the public pension. The reform of the old-age insurance system involves a wide range of areas. Related to the vital interests of every citizen, has long become the focus of Chinese society. Liaoning Province is one of the important old industrial bases in China. As a result of the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in the 1990s, the number of laid-off and unemployed people and the number of elderly poor groups are numerous. Liaoning Province is facing great pressure on pension payment. It is of great significance to study whether the pension can guarantee the life of the elderly in the future. In order to deal with the problem that the pension may be insufficient, in 1998, our country changed the mode of social pension insurance fund from pay-as-you-go system to partial accumulation system in order to strengthen the individual's willingness to save and arouse the enthusiasm of individual old-age savings. In order to improve the response to the ageing of the population. Liaoning Province as a pilot province of pension reform in recent years how the progress of the reform and whether the effect of the reform is satisfactory is worthy of in-depth acting. This paper starts with the present situation of Liaoning Province's urban old-age insurance, after the comprehensive description of the whole province's old-age insurance situation, it focuses on the analysis of Shenyang and Jinzhou's urban old-age insurance problems, and sets up a specific evaluation index system. This paper evaluates the benefits of pension insurance in Liaoning Province by means of factor analysis, and finds that there are fluctuations in the status of pension insurance in Liaoning Province, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions in this paper.


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