[Abstract]:The reform of economic system and the adjustment of industrial structure make the employment structure of Shanghai diversified and flexible employment has become an important form of employment. The number of migrant flexible employment personnel in Shanghai has exceeded 2 million. The contradiction between supply and demand of medical insurance is prominent because of the characteristics of low income and large work flow, which leads to the difficulty of joining insurance and transferring, and the contradiction between supply and demand of medical insurance. Solving the basic medical insurance needs of this group is related to social equity and efficiency, and is conducive to the further improvement of the social medical insurance system in Shanghai. Shanghai has introduced a series of measures to protect the medical needs of freelancers, proprietors of individual economic organizations and foreign employees, but the current policies have not covered the flexible employment of foreign workers in Shanghai. On the basis of deeply grasping the level of economic and social development in our country and combining with the background of the times, this paper analyzes the policy effect of the reform of social medical insurance in Shanghai, affirms its achievements and finds that it needs further improvement. This paper makes a sampling survey on the medical insurance of migrant workers with flexible employment in Shanghai, and finds out that the rate of participation and willingness to participate in insurance are both low. The data are analyzed by means of Spss,Excel and other tools. It is found that the current social medical insurance system in Shanghai is not very suitable for foreign flexible employment, and its insurance mechanism, payment mechanism and management need to be improved. In order to probe into the current situation of medical insurance supply and demand of foreign flexible employment personnel, the factors affecting the demand for medical insurance of foreign flexible employment personnel in Shanghai and the medical insurance supply capacity of Shanghai municipal government were analyzed by using logistic multiple regression method. On the basis of this, this paper constructs the medical insurance model of foreign flexible employment personnel in Shanghai, designs the medical insurance system of serious illness concerned by foreign flexible employment personnel in Shanghai by using MonteCarlo method, determines the level of payment, and analyzes the feasibility of the insurance system. Finally, some suggestions are put forward to establish and perfect the medical insurance system for migrant flexible employment personnel in Shanghai, including the optimization of the operating environment of the system and the expansion of funding channels. Based on the extensive collection of domestic and foreign medical security documents for flexible employment personnel, the paper carries out field investigation and analysis for Shanghai area, and the topic follows the deepening background of the new medical reform and cuts into the accuracy. Using the combination of qualitative and quantitative research, domestic analysis and international comparison, the Monte Carlo method is used to design and simulate the scheme of the medical treatment of Shanghai migrant workers with flexible employment, which has strong feasibility. Hope to provide practical policy advice for the medical insurance system of foreign flexible employment personnel in Shanghai.
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