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发布时间:2019-03-01 17:21
[Abstract]:The basic medical insurance system is an important part of the social security system. The safe operation of the basic medical insurance fund is not only related to the vital interests of the general insurance personnel, but also related to the sustainable development of the medical insurance system. However, medical insurance fund expenditure tends to be limitless because of the continuous deepening of medical insurance policy, the continuous increase of medical expenses, and the aggravation of aging process in our country. The contradiction between the limitation of medical insurance premium income and the infinity of medical insurance fund expenditure seriously endangers the balance of income and expenditure of medical insurance fund. At present, there are different levels of medical insurance funds across the country. The analysis and control of the medical insurance fund risk has become the urgent task of the medical insurance agencies all over the world. A City began to implement the health insurance system for workers in 2001, with the gradual expansion of the insurance scale, the structure of the insured personnel is tending to aging. The selective insurance participation phenomenon is serious, the average fund expenditure increases year by year, the violation behavior of the fixed-point units of medical insurance is more and more common, the accumulated fund in 2012 is not enough to bear the expenditure of that year. Based on the theory of risk management and according to the process of risk identification, risk assessment and risk control, this paper studies the risk control of employee health insurance fund in A city. Firstly, according to the classification of social security risk, the medical insurance fund risk is divided into internal and external risks. Then based on the operational data of the employees' Medical Insurance Fund from 2009 to 2012 in City A, using the quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, this paper analyzes the balance of income and expenditure of the Medical Insurance Fund in City A, the structure of the insured personnel, and the completion of the task of participating in the insurance. In order to evaluate the risk factors of medical insurance fund in A city, the key data, such as the average expenditure of medical insurance fund and the investigation of illegal behavior of designated units, are analyzed in order to evaluate the risk factors of medical insurance fund in A city. Finally, combined with the current A city staff health insurance fund composition, raising methods, expenditure channels and other policy provisions, drawing lessons from excellent experience at home and abroad, aiming at the risks identified in front, from restricting the behavior of both sides of medical service supply and demand, From the four angles of alleviating the pressure of aging population and establishing a risk warning mechanism for medical insurance funds, the author proposes to accelerate the reform of payment methods, encourage participants to actively participate in insurance, and optimize the structure of insurance personnel. It is of practical significance to introduce specific and feasible risk control measures such as actuarial model of medical insurance to provide some suggestions for the management and risk control of medical insurance fund for workers in A city. The innovation of this paper is: starting from the microcosmic operation data of medical insurance for workers in A city, combining with the qualitative analysis of the risks of medical insurance fund at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the risk control measures in accordance with the actual situation of A city. It is of practical significance to the safe and stable operation of the health insurance fund for workers in A city.


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