[Abstract]:With the sustained development of the national economy, the people's living standards are constantly improving, and the consciousness of insurance is gradually increasing. At the same time, the Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) has issued favorable policies such as "the Ten New countries", and the development of the insurance industry has ushered in a new era. According to the data, the insurance premium income of life insurance companies was 1.585913 trillion yuan in 2015, an increase of 24.97 percent over the same period last year. As of the end of 2015, the national insurance density was 1766.49 yuan per person, an increase of 19.44 percent over the same period last year. The depth of insurance was 3.59%, up 0.41 percentage points from the same period last year. As the main business channel of life insurance companies, the team of personal agents plays a positive role in the development of life insurance industry, but in the process of development, there are still some difficulties in increasing the number of staff, high turnover rate, poor stability and low quality. A serious problem with short-term behavior, etc. This paper makes use of incentive theory and game theory to analyze the causes of the problems existing in the agent team, and draws the conclusion that the incentive and restraint mechanism needs to be further improved. Then it discusses the current situation of the incentive and restraint mechanism of the individual agent team. At present, the incentive mechanism of salary, training, promotion, emotion and the restriction mechanism of three levels of supervision have been formed. In order to solve the problems existing in the current incentive and restraint mechanism, through the analysis of the situation and changing trend of the incentive and restraint mechanism in developed countries, four experiences are drawn: perfecting the commission incentive mechanism and optimizing the team training system. Strengthen team supervision and management and diversified team agent model. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the incentive and restraint mechanism of individual agents of life insurance in order to promote the sustainable development of insurance industry. From the perspective of incentive mechanism, we should create a good professional space for personal agents, perfect the training system for individual agents, reform the current commission system of individual agents, clarify the identity of individual agents, and carry out the reform of contract system, etc. From the point of view of restraint mechanism, it is necessary to perfect the supervision and management of individual agents from three aspects: government departments, life insurance companies and the public.
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