发布时间:2019-03-21 17:54
【摘要】:我国的养老保险制度从创立至今历经60年变迁,从最初只保障企业职工退休养老到现在形成城镇农村全国保障,已基本实现了广覆盖的目的,保证了参与的公平,国家政府在这几十年间对政策的调整,制度的完善都以保障其起点公平、过程公平、结果公平为准则。养老保险制度公平的落脚点其实在其养老保险待遇公平上,只有保证在退休后人们能够享有平等的权利和相应的养老待遇,安享晚年,才能保障养老保险的结果公平。 本文研究的主要问题就是如何做到缩小不同收入人群的待遇差距,维护其养老保险的结果公平。主要采用了调查研究、案例分析和比较研究等多种方法,试图从维护结果公平性这一角度对我国城镇居民基本养老保险待遇差距问题进行透视,对存在的不公平因素分析其成因并提出相应的对策,,以利于解决当前难题和完善养老保障制度。本文主要内容分为四个部分,第一部分为养老保险的相关概念和理论基础;第二部分对城镇居民基本养老金差距进行了比较分析;第三部对城镇居民基本养老金待遇差距进行了原因分析;第四部分提出了科学合理地缩小城镇居民基本养老金待遇差距的政策建议。
[Abstract]:The endowment insurance system of our country has changed for 60 years from its founding to the present, from the initial guarantee of retirement of enterprise workers to the formation of national security of urban and rural areas, it has basically realized the goal of extensive coverage and ensured the fairness of participation. In the past few decades, the government's policy adjustment and the perfection of the system are all based on the criterion of ensuring its starting point fairness, process fairness and result fairness. The foothold of old-age insurance system equity is in fact the equity of pension insurance treatment. Only by ensuring that people can enjoy equal rights and corresponding old-age treatment after retirement can the result of old-age insurance be guaranteed in order to ensure the equity of old-age insurance. The main problem of this paper is how to narrow the treatment gap of different income groups and maintain the equity of pension insurance. This paper mainly adopts many methods, such as investigation, case analysis and comparative study, and tries to analyze the gap of basic old-age insurance treatment of urban residents in China from the angle of maintaining the fairness of the results. This paper analyzes the causes of the existing unfair factors and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to solve the current problems and improve the old-age security system. The main content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the related concepts and theoretical basis of the old-age insurance; the second part makes a comparative analysis of the basic pension gap of urban residents; The third part analyzes the reasons of urban residents' basic pension treatment gap, and the fourth part puts forward some policy suggestions to reduce the urban residents' basic pension benefit gap scientifically and rationally.
[Abstract]:The endowment insurance system of our country has changed for 60 years from its founding to the present, from the initial guarantee of retirement of enterprise workers to the formation of national security of urban and rural areas, it has basically realized the goal of extensive coverage and ensured the fairness of participation. In the past few decades, the government's policy adjustment and the perfection of the system are all based on the criterion of ensuring its starting point fairness, process fairness and result fairness. The foothold of old-age insurance system equity is in fact the equity of pension insurance treatment. Only by ensuring that people can enjoy equal rights and corresponding old-age treatment after retirement can the result of old-age insurance be guaranteed in order to ensure the equity of old-age insurance. The main problem of this paper is how to narrow the treatment gap of different income groups and maintain the equity of pension insurance. This paper mainly adopts many methods, such as investigation, case analysis and comparative study, and tries to analyze the gap of basic old-age insurance treatment of urban residents in China from the angle of maintaining the fairness of the results. This paper analyzes the causes of the existing unfair factors and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to solve the current problems and improve the old-age security system. The main content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the related concepts and theoretical basis of the old-age insurance; the second part makes a comparative analysis of the basic pension gap of urban residents; The third part analyzes the reasons of urban residents' basic pension treatment gap, and the fourth part puts forward some policy suggestions to reduce the urban residents' basic pension benefit gap scientifically and rationally.
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