[Abstract]:With the comprehensive implementation of three basic medical insurance systems, namely, medical insurance for urban workers, medical insurance for urban residents and new rural cooperative medical insurance, a medical insurance system covering all citizens has been gradually established in our country. The establishment of medical insurance system has strengthened the national ability to resist disease risk, improved the health care service system, and made obvious achievements. However, at present, China's medical insurance system is facing a major problem, that is, the phenomenon of urban-rural division seriously restricts the development process of China's medical insurance system. Due to the influence of urban-rural dual structure, the problem of dividing urban and rural medical insurance system is very prominent in our country, and the division of urban and rural areas leads to the imbalance of urban and rural medical insurance system. With the continuous development of economy and society, there are a lot of problems in the medical insurance system divided between urban and rural areas, and the coexistence of various medical insurance systems can not meet the needs of the insured for the medical insurance system. Therefore, it is imperative to eliminate the unfair phenomenon of medical insurance and realize the overall planning of medical insurance system in urban and rural areas. From the perspective of urban and rural planning, this paper studies the medical insurance system in Shandong Province. This paper can be divided into four parts: the first part includes the introduction of the first chapter and the basic concept and basic theory of the second chapter, mainly analyzes the research background, research significance, literature review and theoretical basis of urban and rural medical insurance in Shandong Province; The second part includes the third chapter and the fourth chapter, mainly introduces the development status of urban and rural medical insurance system in China and Shandong Province, and analyzes the gap between urban and rural medical insurance. The third part includes the fifth chapter, which focuses on the medical insurance model of advanced countries and regions at home and abroad, and provides experience and reference for the construction of medical insurance in our province. The last part includes the sixth chapter, which puts forward the design ideas and policy suggestions of the urban and rural medical insurance system in Shandong Province on the basis of the first three parts.
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