本文关键词: B2B电子中介 投资决策 网络外部性 复杂适应系统 Swarm仿真 出处:《南京理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the increasingly competitive B2B e-commerce market, the platform quality of B2B electronic intermediary is an important factor affecting the scale and income of users. Therefore, the technology investment decision based on platform quality of B2B electronic intermediary is directly related to it. Market competitiveness. How to make platform technology investment under the influence of different market environment and user characteristics, In the market competition of B2B electronic commerce platform, the first entrant has the advantage of transferring cost and the latter has the advantage of decreasing the cost of information technology. Considering the investment cost structure characteristics of variable investment cost caused by the improvement of platform quality, this paper constructs a decision game model of information technology investment in B2B electronic intermediary, in which two oligarchs enter sequentially, and discusses the transfer cost. The impact of information technology cost decline and user quality and value sensitivity on information technology investment decision of B2B electronic intermediary. The results show that the existence of transfer cost is beneficial to the market entrant to take a positive strategy to increase investment. Improving the quality of the platform and making higher profits; and only when the transfer cost of the user is at a relatively low level, the decreasing characteristics of the information technology cost over time will benefit the post-market entrants to adopt a positive increase in investment strategy. To improve the quality of its own platform and achieve higher profits. For the typical network externalities of B2B e-commerce platform services provided by B2B electronic intermediaries, the larger the scale of users, the larger the number of users using the platform. When constructing the utility function of user using platform, the influence of network externality on user utility is considered. The attribute parameters and action rules of both sides in competitive market are extracted and combined with market characteristic parameters. The Swarm simulation system of B2B electronic intermediary technology investment under network externality is constructed. Through many simulation experiments, the experiment parameters are changed, and the scale of users of both competitors is explored under the influence of network externality, along with the improvement of platform quality of both competitors. The simulation results show that the higher the intensity of network externality, the higher the quality level of the platform should be. The latter should take conservative investment decision to reduce the investment to prevent the loss of profits caused by the investment cost.
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