[Abstract]:With Internet thinking becoming the trend of the times, cloud services, mobile LBS applications, Internet of things and mobile communications as the representative of information technology is rapidly popularizing, e-commerce in China has made leapfrog development, express service growth rapidly. However, the imbalance between the development of express service and e-commerce has resulted in some problems of unsmooth convergence and mismatch of development. The problem of delivery at the end of express delivery has become the focus of contradiction. How to adapt to the trend of the Internet era, optimize the allocation of resources, reduce the cost of distribution, integrate the offline resources and enhance the user experience, solve the "last kilometer" distribution problems has become a huge challenge facing the express delivery enterprises. This paper summarizes and analyzes the domestic and international research on business model, resource advantage theory and terminal distribution model, and clarifies the core concept and theoretical basis. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of domestic express terminal distribution, excavates the root cause of the problem, analyzes the applicability of the existing mainstream express terminal distribution mode, and evaluates comprehensively through the three dimensions of advantages, limitations and applicable scope. Then, based on the theory of resource advantage, the paper excavates the influence of resource utilization on the competitive advantage of the existing distribution mode, and summarizes the shortcomings of the existing delivery terminal distribution mode in applicability and rational allocation of resources. In view of this, using the Internet thinking for reference, combining with the key factors of value creation in the Internet era, based on the improved CCSI model, the customer satisfaction index model of courier terminal distribution in the Internet era is constructed. The evaluation path of process factor, expectation factor and result factor is formed. Through the statistical analysis of the complaint problem of express service and the factors of choice of express service, the new concerns of customers are excavated. According to the characteristics of express service flow and the key points of Internet thinking, a delivery mode of express special car LCL based on Internet thinking is established in order to provide some reference for express delivery enterprises and to solve the problem that puzzles the terminal delivery of express delivery.
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