本文关键词:S包装有限公司发展战略研究 出处:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Packaging industry is the material basis of the national economy and social development, and packaging is an indispensable "coat" for the circulation and sale of goods. Paper packaging costs low, recyclable and reuse, no environmental problems, since the world, has been the leading product of the packaging industry, has a very good prospects for development. With the continuous influx of international capital in recent years, many domestic enterprises have expanded rapidly after entering the capital market, and thus constantly seize the market share of small and medium-sized enterprises. "12th Five-Year" during the paper packaging industry in China has entered the selection stage of integration, industry concentration will continue to improve, and will become the development direction of the industry, the industry of small and medium-sized enterprises do? S Packaging Co. Ltd. is engaged in the paper packaging production for nine years, after a difficult business development road, developed into a medium-sized packaging enterprises well-known in China, are now in or out of embarrassment, and strive to forge ahead with the expansion of the scale, bigger and stronger strategic opportunities; in content, will be marginalized. Therefore, it is imminent to study and formulate practical strategy for the development of the company. The basic analysis model and method of strategic management based on the external environment, internal resources and the main business facing S packaging company development are analyzed systematically and comprehensively, and established the "milk packaging products based on the direction of the development of the company business in advance, follow up follow-up product development plans". This paper recommends the use of existing production advantages, the rapid expansion of the cross regional development strategy with low cost, according to market demand, rich product structure, update the marketing idea, expand customer resources, cross regional, multi channel development, and strive to improve the scale efficiency of the company; at the same time, to develop a reasonable strategy implementation safeguard measures.
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