发布时间:2018-01-01 21:52
本文关键词:低碳经济对中国钢铁出口的影响及对策分析 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 钢铁产业 两高一资 碳关税 碳标签 出口退税 十二五规划
【摘要】:伴随着工业经济的迅猛发展,气候问题日益受到人们的关注。2005年12月,《京都议定书》首次以法规的形式限定了各缔约国温室气体的排放量,但作为世界第一大经济体的美国却以议定书施加给他的经济负担过重为由,拒绝加入该协定。2009年,美国颁布了《清洁能源与安全法案》,该法案规定,从2020年起,美国将对进口的高碳产品征收一种特殊的边境调节税,即碳关税。该政策违反《京都议定书》中有关“共同却有区别的责任”的原则,其实质是以环保之名,行贸易保护之实,打压像中国一样的新兴工业化国家。碳关税一旦实施,必将对中国出口造成十分严重的负面影响。 钢铁工业是国民经济的支柱性产业,钢铁贸易在世界贸易中占有重要的比重。自2006年以来,中国钢铁不但实现了净出口的突破,而且一举超越传统钢铁强国,出口量位居世界首位。然而,中国虽为钢铁出口大国,却并非钢铁出口强国。一方面,中国钢铁产业增长方式粗放,重要技术自主创新能力较弱。另一方面,来自国际和国内资源环境约束日益趋紧,特别是“十二五”以来,中国政府加强了对“两高一资”产业的调控力度。而钢铁行业,作为典型的高耗能、高污染、资源密集型产业,必然首当其冲。面对国际以及国内日益严格的环境规制,中国钢铁出口将会受到何种影响?钢铁企业又当如何应对出口困境?据此,本文以低碳背景下,,中国钢铁出口为研究对象,运用经济学原理,分析低碳经济对中国钢铁出口影响,以期能对现实有所裨益。 本文共分四个部分。第一部分为绪论,在这一部分中,本文首先指出,在低碳经济日益盛行的今天,中国钢铁产业出口受到了严重的挑战。其次,本文对国内外学者有关贸易与环境的理论研究做了综述,指出在当前背景下研究低碳经济对中国钢铁出口的影响具有十分重要的理论价值。在第二部分中,本文主要分析了中国钢铁企业的能耗、污染情况及其出口的现状,据此总结出中国钢铁产品在对外出口中存在的粗放式增长和遭遇资源环境约束日益趋紧等问题。在此基础上,本文第三部分分别从国际的低碳壁垒及国内的环境规制两个方面,运用定性分析法,探讨其对中国钢铁出口在规模、结构和竞争力等方面的影响。据此,本文在最后一部分从国家的宏观层面和企业的微观层面给出了针对性的建议。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industrial economy, people pay more and more attention to the climate problem. In December 2005, the Kyoto Protocol limited the greenhouse gas emissions of each Party for the first time in the form of laws and regulations. However, the United States, the world's largest economy, refused to join the agreement on the ground that the economic burden imposed on it by the protocol was too heavy. In 2009, the United States enacted the Clean Energy and Security Act, which provides for it. From 2020, the United States will impose a special border regulation tax, the carbon tariff, on imported high-carbon products. The policy violates the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" in the Kyoto Protocol. The essence of the tariff is to protect trade in the name of environmental protection and to suppress the newly industrialized countries like China. Once the carbon tariff is implemented, it will have a very serious negative impact on China's exports. The iron and steel industry is the pillar industry of the national economy, the iron and steel trade occupies the important proportion in the world trade. Since 2006, the Chinese iron and steel has not only realized the breakthrough of net export. However, although China is a major exporter of steel, it is not a powerful country in steel export. On the one hand, China's steel industry growth mode is extensive. On the other hand, the constraints of international and domestic resources and environment have become increasingly tight, especially since the 12th Five-Year Plan. The Chinese government has stepped up its efforts to regulate the "two high and one capital" industries, which are typically energy-intensive, highly polluting and resource-intensive. Must bear the brunt. In the face of international and domestic increasingly stringent environmental regulation, China's steel export will be affected? How should the iron and steel enterprises deal with the export dilemma? On the basis of this, this paper takes China's iron and steel export as the research object under the low carbon background, applies the economic principle, analyzes the low carbon economy's influence on the Chinese steel export, in order to be beneficial to the reality. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction. In this part, this paper first points out that in the low-carbon economy, the export of Chinese steel industry has been seriously challenged. This paper summarizes the theoretical research on trade and environment of domestic and foreign scholars, and points out that it is of great theoretical value to study the impact of low-carbon economy on China's steel export in the second part. This paper mainly analyzes the energy consumption, pollution and export status of Chinese iron and steel enterprises. Based on this, the problems of extensive growth of China's iron and steel products in foreign exports and the tightening of resource and environment constraints are summarized. The third part of this paper discusses the impact on the scale, structure and competitiveness of China's iron and steel export by using qualitative analysis method from the two aspects of international low-carbon barriers and domestic environmental regulation. In the last part, the author gives some suggestions from the macro level of the country and the micro level of the enterprise.
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