本文关键词:低碳经济背景下安徽发展新能源汽车的政策研究 出处:《安徽农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:New energy vehicle is no longer a new term. Under the double pressure of energy security and environmental protection, the development of new energy vehicle is the trend of the international trend. Traditional fuel vehicles will gradually be replaced by green new energy vehicles. The development of new energy vehicles will become an effective way to solve the problems of energy and environmental protection. At present, all the developed countries in the world attach great importance to the development of new energy automobile industry. Government policies and measures will be an important force to ensure the development of new energy vehicles industrialization, this paper lists Japan, the United States, Germany. The auto industry of our country can realize the corner overtaking under this new background. The key is whether we can seize this opportunity to accelerate the development of new energy vehicles. From the perspective of the entire industrial economy of Anhui Province to develop new energy vehicles related policies. The framework of the study is divided into: the first chapter from the background of the topic significance of the topic of new energy vehicles. This paper discusses the research status of new energy vehicles at home and abroad, as well as the research contents, research methods, innovations and shortcomings; The second chapter defines the related concepts from the concept, and puts forward the relevant theoretical basis for the development of new energy vehicles; The third chapter studies the development situation of the new energy automobile industry from the national level and Anhui level respectively from the current situation of development and policy analysis. Chapter 4th focuses on the analysis of low-carbon economy from the perspective of government policy and enterprise technology. This paper studies the problems existing in the development of new energy vehicles in Anhui Province from three angles of consumer attitude. Chapter 5th through the study of foreign countries such as Japan, the United States, the European Union to develop new energy vehicle policy, for our country's new energy automobile industry development to provide reference; According to the above analysis, Chapter 6th puts forward the countermeasures and measures to improve the development of new energy vehicles in Anhui Province under the low carbon background. Finally, the content of this paper is summarized. The research of this paper is mainly based on the development of new energy vehicles in Anhui Province. Anhui Province has two major independent brands of Jianghuai and Chery vehicles, the development of new energy vehicles in the country also has a certain guiding role. It has made outstanding contribution to the development of the whole new energy automobile industry. This article has applied the related industry policy theory, has provided the related policy suggestion for the Anhui province new energy automobile development. In order to promote the rapid development of our province's new energy automobile industry.
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