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发布时间:2018-01-13 08:32

  本文关键词:美国好时公司中国市场开发研究 出处:《大连海事大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 好时巧克力 市场开发 差异化 品牌塑造

【摘要】:近年来,我国巧克力市场迅速发展,越来越多的巧克力行业巨头把发展的目光聚焦在中国这个潜力巨大、增长迅猛的广阔市场上。同时,随着在巧克力领域内投资的增多,无论是进入中国市场几十年的行业霸主还是刚刚在中国起步的业界新贵,各个企业面临的竞争越来越激烈。在这种情况下,好时公司如何利用在美国本土处在成熟期多年的产品和经验顺利渡过中国市场的导入期,如何在中国市场占据一席之地,面临怎么样的竞争压力,怎样实现发展目标,最终的发展方向是什么都要讨论。作为美国的行业老大,中国市场上处境尴尬,好时公司面对着愈演愈烈的市场竞争,更加迫切地需要制定一个适合自己、切实可行的发展战略。 本文基于市场营销和战略管理的基本理论及方法,从中国巧克力行业的发展过程和行业特性出发,结合企业内部和外部环境,依据企业制定战略的基本过程来探讨适合好时公司的宏观和微观发展战略和具体实施方法。 首先,论文介绍了用到的理论概念,包括市场营销理论和市场细分理论。然后论文分析了好时公司面临的市场开发环境,重点分析了三个重要竞争品牌的发展现状,以及好时公司从这三者的市场开发过程中得到的借鉴。接下来论文从产品策略、市场经营和品牌建设三个方面入手,分析了好时公司在中国市场的开发现状,并分析了这些方面存在的问题和原因。最后针对以上问题,作者提出了自己的观点,即产品上充分发挥品牌优势,大力引进成熟品牌,实现产品上的差异化;市场经营上充分做好市场调研和销售回顾等环节,完善市场细分工作,并以此做为各项促销等活动的依据;品牌的形象塑造上一方面继续坚持高端的形象宣传和包装设计,一方面在大量市场调研的前提下,继承和改良并举,塑造和巩固在中国消费者心目中的品牌形象。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of chocolate market in China, more and more chocolate industry magnates focus on the huge potential and rapid growth of the vast market in China. At the same time. With the increase of investment in the field of chocolate, whether entering the Chinese market for decades of industry hegemony or just started in China industry upstart, each enterprise is facing more and more fierce competition. In this case. How can Hershey make use of its products and experience in the mature period of the United States to successfully cross the import period of the Chinese market, how to occupy a place in the Chinese market, and what kind of competitive pressure it faces. How to achieve the development goals, the final direction of development should be discussed. As the industry leader of the United States, China market is in an awkward situation, Hershey Company is facing increasingly fierce market competition. There is an even more urgent need to develop a development strategy that is appropriate and practical. Based on the basic theories and methods of marketing and strategic management, this paper starts from the development process and industry characteristics of Chinese chocolate industry and combines the internal and external environment of enterprises. According to the basic process of enterprise strategy making, this paper discusses the macro and micro development strategy and concrete implementation method of Hershey Company. First of all, the paper introduces the theoretical concepts, including marketing theory and market segmentation theory. Then, the paper analyzes the market development environment that Hershey Company is facing. Focus on the analysis of the development of the three important competitive brands, as well as the Hershey Company from the three market development process of reference. Next, the paper from the product strategy, market management and brand building three aspects. This paper analyzes the current situation of Hershey's development in Chinese market, and analyzes the problems and reasons in these aspects. Finally, the author puts forward his own viewpoint, that is, to give full play to the brand advantages in the products. Vigorously introduce mature brands to achieve product differentiation; In the market management, we should do well the links of market research and sales review, perfect the work of market segmentation, and take this as the basis of various activities such as promotion; Brand image on the one hand continues to adhere to high-end image publicity and packaging design, on the one hand in a large number of market research under the premise of inheritance and improvement. Shape and consolidate the brand image in the eyes of Chinese consumers.


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