本文关键词: 市场营销 钢帘线 新产品 客户群 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:There is a high degree of uncertainty in the process of research and development of new products. Nearly half of the new products suffer from tragic failure when they go on the market. Especially, high-tech industries such as steel cord and wire cord have a large investment in R & D, high product technology content, and low customer initiative. So technology commercialization is very risky, a successful new product marketing strategy will be related to the profit and development of the enterprise. B company was founded in 1880, in the development of steel wire products, advanced materials and coating technology. In 2013, the market competition has reached the stage of intensification, and the number of steel cord manufacturers has increased from the first few to more than 20. The demand market has changed from the seller's market to the buyer's market. As a pioneer of steel cord industry, Company B can still be unique in the cruel market competition and maintain its leading market share. This paper, based on the theory of marketing, analyzes the external and internal environment of B company, and makes clear the advantages and disadvantages of the company. On this basis, the market of steel cord products is subdivided, the target market and market positioning of 0.225 HT steel cord products are determined, and the product strategy and price strategy of this product are further formulated. The channel strategy, the promotion strategy and the service strategy, and gives the concrete suggestion and the measure to the above mentioned strategy implementation and the control. This article has consulted the massive correlation literature, has carried on the summary and the classification to the marketing, the new product promotion and so on related theory, Based on the analysis of the external and internal environment of steel cord new product 0.225 HT, and on the basis of marketing theory, combining with the success of B Company's previous new product marketing strategy, this paper puts forward the research methods and ideas of this paper. Develop a marketing strategy suitable for 0.225 HT.
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