本文选题:制造企业 + 服务转型 ; 参考:《山东理工大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:20世纪90年代以来,知识经济的深入发展促使发达国家的制造企业进行着潜移默化的变革。在生产过程中,服务要素在各个环节中的投入比重不断增加,使得最终产品中的服务价值大大提高,大量企业出现由制造向服务转型的趋势。在我国,制造企业不再是单纯的产品供应商,而是逐步向服务提供商转变。同时,由于顾客对服务的需求贯穿于整个产品寿命周期,基于产品全寿命周期的制造企业服务转型实践成为众多企业的选择。学者们也对制造业服务转型进行了大量研究,但多集中于转型途径、模式等方面,鲜有文献从产品寿命周期角度研究制造企业服务转型影响因素。有鉴于此,本文采用理论与实证相结合的方法,以装备制造企业为对象,从产品全寿命周期的角度出发,研究制造企业服务转型的影响因素和影响程度,取得了以下研究成果: (1)将产品寿命周期与制造企业服务转型联系起来,提出了基于产品寿命周期的制造企业服务转型概念,阐述了各阶段企业转型的特点、转型类型,分析总结了各阶段企业活动和服务转型活动。 (2)以装备制造企业为样本,通过问卷调查收集数据,对投入期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期的影响因素分别进行因子分析,得到了产品生命周期不同阶段影响制造企业服务转型的主要因素,即投入期服务转型影响因素为竞争者情况、技术研发、政策、经营环境;成长期服务转型影响因素为客户需求、产品成本、流程再造;成熟期服务转型影响因素为内外部交流、客户参与、企业外部关系;衰退期服务转型影响因素为技术研发和环保。 本文的创新点在于将产品寿命周期与制造企业服务转型联系起来,提出了基于产品寿命周期的制造企业服务转型概念,,并探讨了各阶段服务转型影响因素,对于指导制造企业服务转型具有一定的参考意义,从而为制造企业服务转型提供依据。
[Abstract]:Since 1990s , the in - depth development of knowledge economy has led to the transformation of manufacturing enterprises in developed countries . In the process of production , the investment proportion of service elements in each link is increasing , so that the service value of the final product is greatly improved . In China , the manufacturing enterprise is no longer a simple product supplier , but it is gradually changing to service provider .
( 1 ) linking the life cycle of the product with the transformation of manufacturing enterprise service , putting forward the concept of manufacturing enterprise service transformation based on the product life cycle , and expounds the characteristics and transformation types of enterprise transformation in each stage , and summarizes the activities of enterprise activities and service transformation in each stage .
( 2 ) Based on the sample of equipment manufacturing enterprises , the factors influencing the transformation of manufacturing enterprises were analyzed by means of questionnaire data collection , input period , long - term , mature period and decline period , and the main factors influencing the transformation of enterprise service were obtained in different stages of product life cycle , namely , the influencing factors of investment period service transformation were competitors , technology development , policy and operating environment .
The influencing factors of long - term service transformation are customer demand , product cost and process reengineering .
The influencing factors of maturity service transformation are internal and external communication , customer participation and enterprise external relations ;
The factors influencing the transformation of decline service are R & D and environmental protection .
The innovation point of this paper is to link the life cycle of the product to the transformation of manufacturing enterprise service , put forward the concept of manufacturing enterprise service transformation based on the product life cycle , and discuss the influencing factors of service transformation in each stage .
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