本文选题:EPC工程总承包 + 设计院 ; 参考:《中国科学院大学(工程管理与信息技术学院)》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国改革的不断深化和国际化进程的不断加快,市场竞争越来越激烈,设计院如何在竞争加剧的市场中生存和发展,业主如何获得更全面、更高效的服务,成为工程项目利益主体关心的主要问题,正是在这种双方利益诉求下,以设计院为核心的EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction)总承包模式应运而生,其以全面服务、资源配置、综合效益等方面的优势成为工程项目总承包市场中的主流模式之一,如何发挥设计院的核心作用和主观能动性,克服自身的缺点与不足,将强项转变成为优势,成为摆在设计院面前的重要议题。 以设计院为核心的EPC模式可以从源头对工程项目的工期、成本、质量、安全、技术等因素进行很好的控制,但是,其实现受到诸多因素的影响,通过对EPC模式下工程项目总承包合作分析,以期提高工程项目合作的有效性。本文首先对EPC模式、工程设计、博弈论等方面的理论文献进行国内外归纳梳理,了解研究问题及研究进展,以设计院为核心,研究EPC模式下的工程承包合作行为及其相互关系,从相关界定、区别特征、优势分析等几方面对EPC模式进行分析,同时也从相关概述、特点分析、优势不足等几方面对以设计院为核心的EPC模式进行研究;然后根据EPC工程项目总承包的合作行为特点,对利益主体进行划分,构建业主与设计院合作博弈模型和设计院与分包商合作博弈模型,通过对模型假设、相关变量、演化路径等进行分析,研究影响工程项目承包合作的因素,通过对中国市政工程西北设计院的现状及其遇到的机遇和挑战进行分析,进一步提出了实现EPC模式的相应对策,实现和促进设计院向具有EPC工程项目总承包能力的单位转变,极大发挥以设计院为核心的EPC模式的优势作用。 以设计院为核心,对EPC工程项目总承包合作进行研究,同时将博弈理论应用到EPC模式下的工程项目承包合作及其实现问题的研究中,并且以非对称信息下的业主与设计院、设计院与分包商博弈模型为基础,分析了影响工程项目总承包合作目标实现的因素,不再只侧重于定性层面的分析,促进EPC模式下工程承包合作有效性的提高和项目目标的实现。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's reform and the accelerating process of internationalization, the market competition is becoming more and more intense. How does the design institute survive and develop in the increasingly competitive market, and how can the owners obtain more comprehensive and efficient services? It is precisely under this kind of mutual interest demand that the general contracting mode of EPC Engineering Procurement Construction, which is based on the design institute, emerges as the times require, and its overall service and allocation of resources emerge as the times require. The advantages of comprehensive benefits have become one of the mainstream modes in the general contracting market of engineering projects. How to give full play to the core role and subjective initiative of design institutes, overcome their own shortcomings and shortcomings, and turn their strengths into advantages, It has become an important issue in front of the design institute. The EPC model with design institute as the core can control the project construction period, cost, quality, safety, technology and other factors from the source, but its realization is affected by many factors. In order to improve the effectiveness of project cooperation, this paper analyzes the general contracting cooperation of engineering projects under EPC mode. In this paper, the theoretical literature of EPC mode, engineering design, game theory and so on are summarized and combed at home and abroad, the research problems and research progress are understood, and the project contracting cooperative behavior and its relationship under the EPC mode are studied with the design institute as the core. This paper analyzes the EPC model from several aspects, such as related definition, distinguishing characteristics, advantage analysis, and so on. At the same time, it also studies the EPC model with the design institute as the core from the aspects of related summary, characteristic analysis, advantage insufficiency and so on. Then according to the characteristics of cooperative behavior of general contracting of EPC project, the main body of interest is divided, and the cooperative game model between owner and design institute and the cooperative game model between design institute and subcontractor are constructed. Through the analysis of the current situation, opportunities and challenges of the Northwest Design Institute of Municipal Engineering in China, the corresponding countermeasures to realize the EPC model are put forward. To realize and promote the transformation from the design institute to the unit with the capability of general contracting of EPC project, and to bring into play the advantage of the EPC mode with the design institute as the core. Taking the design institute as the core, this paper studies the general contracting cooperation of the EPC project, and applies the game theory to the research of the project contracting cooperation and its realization under the EPC mode, and takes the asymmetric information between the owner and the design institute. Based on the game model between the design institute and the subcontractor, the paper analyzes the factors that affect the realization of the goal of the general contracting cooperation of the engineering project, and no longer focuses on the qualitative analysis. To promote the effectiveness of project contracting cooperation and the realization of project objectives under EPC mode.
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