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发布时间:2018-05-25 08:43

  本文选题:新航集团 + 集团管控 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国国有企业改革已经逐步推向深入,我国军事工业企业正在逐步地进行改革改制,业务领域也逐步地向民用领域扩展,军工企业必然迎来新的发展机遇和更大的舞台。一部分军工企业依托自身技术、人才等优势,迅速转变为兼顾军民用产业的大型企业集团,,集团管控也将逐步成为转型后的企业面临的任务和课题。 新航集团是河南省一家兼顾军工和民用领域的工业企业集团,在中国航空工业集团总体战略的指导下,坚持航空为本、寓军于民、军民互哺,走技术同源发展之路,军民两大产业协同发展,新航集团正在经历业务和管理转型的关键阶段。但是由于历史的原因,集团在总部功能定位、组织架构、母公司对子公司控制等方面存在一些亟待解决的问题;这些问题已经成为阻碍新航集团实现内涵发展的因素。建立科学的管控体系对于新航集团更好地应对日益激烈的市场竞争具有至关重要的意义。本文在分析集团管控国内外相关研究成果的基础上确定了集团管控的内涵和内容;确定了集团管控的核心问题,即总部功能确定、管控模式确定和管控关系制定。 本文认为新航集团应该执行以战略管控为主以财务管控为辅的管控模式,这与新航集团的总体战略、各业务的技术和业务特点以及企业规模是相匹配的。相比而言新航目前的以业务管控为核心的管控模式不适合企业当前内外部环境。主要问题包括过于注重细节管理而缺少战略把控,人力资源和财务管理的战略地位作用没有得到发挥,运作业务权限没有下放、现代治理结构不全面等。新航集团应加强集团战略规划职能和能力,强化集团人力资源战略规划职责和能力,提升财务审计职能的战略支撑功能,下放具体的生产运营权限强化绩效监控职能。
[Abstract]:The reform of state-owned enterprises in China has been gradually pushed to a deeper level, and the military industrial enterprises in our country are gradually carrying out reform and restructuring, and the fields of business are gradually expanding to the civilian field, so the military industrial enterprises are bound to ushered in a new development opportunity and a bigger stage. Part of the military enterprises rely on their own technology, talent and other advantages, quickly transformed into the military and civilian industries of large enterprise groups, group control will gradually become the task and subject of the transformed enterprises. Under the guidance of the general strategy of China Aviation Industry Group, SIA Group is an industrial enterprise group in Henan Province, which takes account of both military and civil fields. Under the guidance of the general strategy of China Aviation Industry Group, it insists on the aviation as the foundation, combines the military with the people, and the military and the people feed each other, and takes the road of technological homologous development. With the development of military and civilian industries, SIA Group is undergoing a critical phase of business and management transformation. However, due to historical reasons, the group has some problems to be solved in the aspects of headquarter function orientation, organizational structure, parent company control of subsidiary company and so on. These problems have become the factors that hinder SIA group to realize the connotation development. It is very important for SIA to set up a scientific control system to deal with the increasingly fierce market competition. Based on the analysis of related research results at home and abroad, this paper determines the connotation and content of group management and control, and determines the core issues of group management and control, that is, the determination of headquarters function, the determination of management and control mode and the establishment of management and control relationship. This paper holds that SIA should implement the control mode which is mainly based on strategic control and supplemented by financial control, which is in line with the overall strategy of SIA Group, the technical and business characteristics of each business and the size of the enterprise. In contrast, SIA's current business management and control mode is not suitable for the current internal and external environment. The main problems include too much attention to detail management and lack of strategic control, the strategic role of human resources and financial management has not been brought into play, the operational authority has not been delegated, and the modern governance structure is not comprehensive. SIA Group should strengthen its strategic planning function and ability, strengthen its human resource strategic planning responsibility and ability, enhance the strategic support function of financial audit function, and devolve specific production and operation authority to strengthen its performance monitoring function.


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