本文选题:聚酯化纤 + 行业 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文分析了我国聚酯化纤行业的发展趋势,中国几乎占据了全球需求的主要增长量。特别是过去二十年来,中国凭借着广为人知的低劳动力成本和充足供应的熟练劳动力可以在与其他国家的竞争中占领一定的优势地位,从而夺取市场分额。但是,随着世界经济与我国经济的不断发展,中国的劳动力特别是沿海地区的熟练劳动力变得非常紧缺,而且劳动力成本也在不断提高。我国以前的优势特点已经在漫漫转为劣势。除了国际市场的竞争压力不断增大之外,国内市场也面临严峻考验。由于整个行业投入的跟风和集中,造成阶段性产能过剩,国内聚酯化纤市场的供求不平衡。 本文通过分析国际聚酯化纤行业的发展趋势,研究我国聚酯化纤行业发展状况,提出我国聚酯化纤行业发展中存在的问题,进而分析我国聚酯化纤行业的优势和不足,总结过去聚酯化纤企业经营中的教训,借鉴聚酯化纤行业变迁历史以及成功企业的转型成长经验,从而提出符合当前我国聚酯化纤行业实际情况的发展建议。我国的聚酯化纤行业要加速调整产品结构,开发应用新的技术和设备,聚酯化纤企业要有效控制各类成本,提升综合市场竞争能力,创立自主品牌,才能在日趋激烈的全球化时常竞争中持续发展并独树一帜。
[Abstract]:The development trend of polyester chemical fiber industry in China is analyzed in this paper. In particular, over the past two decades, China has gained market share by taking advantage of its well-known low-cost and well-supplied skilled labor force, which can take advantage of competition with other countries. However, with the continuous development of the world economy and China's economy, the skilled labor force in China, especially in the coastal areas, has become very scarce, and the labor cost is also increasing. The characteristics of our country's former advantages have long been turned into inferiority. In addition to the increasing competitive pressure in the international market, the domestic market is also facing a severe test. As a result of the whole industry investment follow the trend and concentration, resulting in staggered overcapacity, domestic polyester chemical fiber market supply and demand imbalance. This paper analyzes the development trend of the international polyester chemical fiber industry, studies the development situation of the polyester chemical fiber industry in China, points out the problems existing in the development of the polyester chemical fiber industry in China, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the polyester chemical fiber industry in China. This paper summarizes the lessons learned from the management of polyester chemical fiber enterprises in the past, draws lessons from the changing history of polyester chemical fiber industry and the experience of successful enterprises' transformation and growth, and puts forward some suggestions for development in line with the actual situation of polyester chemical fiber industry in China at present. The polyester chemical fiber industry in China should speed up the adjustment of product structure, develop and apply new technologies and equipment. Polyester chemical fiber enterprises should effectively control all kinds of costs, enhance their comprehensive market competitiveness, and establish their own brands. Ability to continue to develop and stand out in the constant competition in the increasingly fierce globalization.
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