本文选题:标准化 + 多机构联合 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文以迅捷达公司的发展史为背景,分析了在公司发展过程中,在运营模式上从“作坊式”的运营模式向正规公司运营模式的转变,公司业务从单一向多元化扩充,市场布局从地方向全国市场布局的成功拓展,在上述情况的变化中,公司出现了管理与发展之间的矛盾,,且日渐明显,虽然公司一直在进行着适应性的调整,从组织机构的调整,项目管理模式的改善,以及相关制度的出台,均开展了多种尝试。 组织机构的适应性调整经过探讨研究,找到了适合公司的组织机构模式,即专业委员会、专业管理部门、业务部门多级机构的模式,并全部有项目管理的需求。以此为契机,参考了国内外的项目管理及项目管的基础理论知识和成熟管理体系,结合公司的现状和公司多年积累的项目管理经验,吸取项目建设中的教训,研究适合公司的项目管理模式,即基于标准化的多机构联合的项目管理模式究。 该模式研究过程是在前人研究的理论基础上,参考已有的一些成果文献,从企业项目管理模式和企业项目管理标准化的角度出发,坚持理论与实际相结合,案例分析与文献参考相结合形式展开的。 项目管理模式的实施方式是:项目的建设过程以梳理形成的过程标准化文件作为项目管理的基础,运用评审机制作为控制手段,增强项目关键环节的质量控制,由多个机构联合进行项目管理的策略,加之项目综合评价和项目考核作为过程执行的保障,使项目按进度保质量的完成项目建设工作。在经过一段时间的实施,通过几个重要方面的数据同期对比,实施效果明显,达到了预期的效果。
[Abstract]:Based on the history of the development of Schindler Company, this paper analyzes the transformation from "workshop mode" to formal mode of operation in the course of the development of the company, and the expansion of business from single to diversified. The successful expansion of the market layout from the local to the national market layout, in the change of the above situation, the contradiction between management and development has appeared in the company, and increasingly obvious, although the company has been making adaptive adjustment, From the organization adjustment, the improvement of the project management mode, and the introduction of the related system, various attempts have been made. The adaptive adjustment of the organization has been studied, and the organizational model suitable for the company has been found, that is, the specialized committee, the professional management department, the multi-level organization model of the business department, and all of them have the demand of the project management. Taking this as an opportunity, referring to the basic theoretical knowledge and mature management system of project management at home and abroad, combining with the current situation of the company and the project management experience accumulated by the company for many years, the paper draws lessons from the project construction. This paper studies the project management model suitable for the company, that is, the project management model based on the standardization of multi-agency association. The research process of this model is based on the previous research theory, referring to some existing achievements and literature, from the point of view of enterprise project management model and enterprise project management standardization, adhere to the combination of theory and practice. Case analysis and literature reference in combination with the form of expansion. The implementation of project management mode is as follows: the construction process of the project takes the process standardization document formed by combing as the foundation of the project management, and the evaluation mechanism is used as the control means to strengthen the quality control of the key links of the project. The strategy of joint project management by many organizations, together with the comprehensive evaluation and evaluation of the project as the guarantee of the implementation of the process, enables the project to complete the project construction according to schedule and quality assurance. After a period of implementation, through the comparison of data in several important aspects, the effect of implementation is obvious and the expected effect is achieved.
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