本文选题:白酒 + 白酒营销 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Liquor is the dual consumption of emotion and material among Chinese people. Liquor is not only a kind of consumer goods, but also a special carrier of Chinese culture. Drinking is an inherent way of life and emotional expression of the Chinese people. This process has gradually brought different consumer ideas and cultures, and consumers' consumption of liquor has gradually tended to be rational. The choice of liquor brand and type has more autonomy, which is an unprecedented change and competition for liquor production enterprises. LJ is a well-known domestic liquor production enterprises, after many years of development. Brand ranking has occupied the industry's top five. At the end of 2012, there has been a wave of "anti-waste of public money, anti-consumption of public money, eliminate waste of public money hospitality" boom. This is not a small blow to the domestic high-end liquor representative LJ liquor, since the introduction of the measures, the company's liquor sales have not declined to a small extent. It is imperative for LJ Company to seek the marketing strategy of liquor under the new situation. This study is divided into six chapters. First of all, this paper briefly describes the basis of this study, research significance, domestic liquor industry marketing and development status and research framework; the second chapter is the introduction of the main theory and methods, the main content includes the concept and classification of liquor introduction. The third chapter introduces the domestic liquor industry environment LJ company business operation situation and market possession; the fourth chapter is the problem analysis part, the third chapter introduces the domestic liquor industry environment LJ company business operation present situation and the market occupation situation; the fourth chapter is the question analysis part, The main reasons for the decline of liquor sales in LJ Company under the new situation are analyzed, and a large-scale consumer will survey for 12 provinces and cities in China is carried out to find out the crux of the problem. Finally, the main conclusions and future prospects of this study are presented. Under the new situation, the decline of liquor sales is not only an urgent problem faced by LJ Company, but also a problem faced by liquor production enterprises in the whole industry. From the perspective of LJ Company, this study finds out the current LJ company's insufficient management and improvement strategy through detailed data investigation, which is also useful for other liquor production enterprises.
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