发布时间:2018-07-28 11:16
【摘要】:现阶段是我国工业化进程的重要时期,如何把握机遇,进一步发展经济是现阶段的一个重点。而提升工业化水平的关键在于提高制造业的附加值和市场竞争力。在专业分工精细化的今天,提高制造业附加值和市场竞争力需要生产性服务业的支持。作为服务业中发展最为迅速的分支,生产性服务业为制造业的每个生产环节提供服务,并依托这些服务拉动自身的发展。 制造业的发展对于生产性服务业的依赖随着新型工业化进程的深入而增加。在新型工业化进程中,生产性服务业与制造业之间的依赖关系越来越紧密,相互之间的作用力也越来越强,这种相互作用力进而又会促进新型工业化进程的深入。概而言之,加强生产性服务业与制造业之间的良性互动、以生产性服务业促进制造业的发展是安徽省推动新型工业化进程的关键所在。 本研究根据安徽省的现实状况,运用定量以及定性的方法对安徽省生产性服务业和制造业的互动加以研究分析。本文章主要分为五部分,并基于学术研究的基本顺序展开。 第一部分为导论部分,主要介绍了本文的研究背景、意义、文献综述以及本文的基本研究方法思路和可能的创新点。 随着经济的发展,生产性服务业被提到的次数越来越多,也越来越受到人们的重视。服务业如今已经成为经济增长一个强有力的推动力,而生产性服务业更是大大提高了经济的发展效率,并且带动着产业结构的优化升级。安徽现在正处于工业化进程的关键时期,其制造业和生产性服务业较之以往都有了长足的进步,但是和国内发达省份还是有着明显的差距。安徽省的十二五规划表示,要进一步加深改革开放,要大力发展现代服务业,要进一步提高现代服务业的比重,用以满足工业化的迅猛发展需要。大力发展生产性服务业,促进服务业与制造业的良性互动,对于安徽省新型工业化进程具有重要的战略意义。在本部分的最后,作者对本研究的研究思路以及可能的创新点进行了阐述。本文依据生产性服务业以及制造业的发展机制,建立了VEC模型对生产性服务业与制造业的互动发展进行了实证研究,最后依据安徽省现状以及实证结果对如何进一步促进安徽省生产性服务业与制造业的良性发展提出了政策建议。本文的创新点主要为第一次对安徽生产性服务业与制造业的互动进行较为全面细致地分析,采用动态计量方法对安徽省生产性服务业和制造业之间的互动关系进行了分析。 第二部分为相关理论探索。这部分综合分析了国内外学者的观点,认为生产性服务业具有中间投入性、产业关联性、集聚经济、人力密集和技术密集等四项特点,其对于整个社会经济的运行具有十分重要的影响,主要有以下四个方面:全方位支撑制造业各环节、促进产业间的协调、提高交易效率并节约社会交易成本、提升城市能级水平。而生产性服务业对于制造业的影响主要是对制造业产品竞争力以及制造业产品交易成本这两个方向的影响。而后本文又探讨了生产性服务业与制造业的互动理论研究、生产性服务业与制造业的互动发展阶段。总体来看,生产性服务业与制造业并不是单一的各自发展的关系,而是存在着一种互相影响互相促进的关系。本部分充实的理论分析介绍主要是为文章后续章节的写作提供了扎实的理论基础。 第三部分分析了安徽省生产性服务业以及制造业的发展现状。安徽省目前正在处于产业结构调整阶段,工业化的进程在不断改善,较之改革开放前,安徽省的生产性服务业及制造业都有了很大的发展。 在安徽省的内部各省市之间,以及生产性服务业的各个行业之间进行比较,作者发现:1.生产性服务业行业发展不平衡。在安徽省的生产性服务业中,传统服务业中的交通运输、邮政仓储所占全部生产性服务业的比重就能达到三分之一以上,而一些知识密集型的新兴生产性服务业例如科技信息业占安徽省全部生产性服务业的比重很低,需要进一步提高其所占比重。2.生产性服务业区域发展不平衡。安徽省的生产性服务业在省内的不同地方,其发展有着很大的不同,区域之间的发展极端为不平衡。例如:合肥省作为安徽省的省会城市,在省内的生产性服务业的总量居第一位,较之安徽省内其他地区有着绝对发展优势;芜湖、马鞍山、铜陵等靠近长三角的城市,由于其地理优势以及以往的制造业基础,其经济发展也比较快,产业结构层级也较为高端,其生产性服务业的发展水平大大超出安徽省的平均水平之上;皖北地区,经济发展明显缓慢,其生产性服务业的发展水平明显低于安徽省的平均水平。省会城市、皖南与皖北的巨大差异显现出安徽省内生产性服务业区域发展的不平衡。 一直以来,安徽省制造业的发展是安徽省经济发展的最主要的动力,安徽省较之国内先进省市,它的工业化进程较为落后,而自从改革开放之后安徽省能够取得如今的这些成果,很大一部分是安徽省制造业发展的结果。而在安徽省的制造业中比重最大的是高新技术产业制造业。而安徽省制造业中的汽车制造业、橡胶制品行业以及有色金属冶炼等行业是安徽省的具有竞争力的行业,而相应的企业有:丰原、奇瑞等,可以说这些行业今后仍然有很大的发展空间。 虽然安徽省的制造业一直以来的发展都比较好,但是不可否认的是安徽省的制造业中也存在着不少的问题,其中最为关键的五个问题分别是:人均增加值低;市场结构分散、企业规模小;缺乏技术创新能力;高端技术人才的缺乏;人才的结构性失调。如何能够解决好这些问题,进一步促进安徽省制造业的发展,是安徽省面临的重大问题。 第四部分为实证分析部分。本部分选取制造业增加值、生产性服务业增加值、固定资本存量、制造业从业人员人数作为变量,对生产性服务业和制造业之间的互动关系进行了实证分析。为确定模型选择,本章首先对对数变换后的变量进行了时间序列的平稳性检验,检验结果显示时间序列不平稳,在对序列进行差分后,发现多维时间序列同时为一阶单整。由此,我们对该组时间序列进行了协整检验,结果显示该组时间序列存在协整关系,可以建立VEC模型。拟合后的VEC模型表明,安徽省的生产性服务业对制造业有一定的推动作用,但固定资本存量对制造业的拉升作用更为明显。在确定VEC模型的稳定性后,对脉冲响应的分析表明尽管短期内安徽省的生产性服务业对制造业的拉动效果不明显,但从长期来看生产性服务业对制造业有较大推动作用。此外,固定资本存量在短期内也对制造业有较强的推动作用。在结构冲击对内生变量的贡献方面,通过方差分解可以看到除固定资本存量外,安徽省的生产性服务业也对制造业的发展起到较强的推动作用,而制造业从业人员人数的增加也拉动了生产性服务业的发展,但制造业对生产性服务业的推动作用并不明显。以上实证结果表明安徽省的生产性服务业虽然仍处于发展起步阶段,但与制造业的交互关系已步入良性发展阶段,将来应深化这种良性互动关系,以促进安徽省制造业竞争力的提升和产业结构的优化。 第五部分为结论及政策建议。当前,安徽省正处于经济结构调整转变的关键时期。而在这一时期,生产性服务业的作用日益显现,安徽省的工业化进程愈来愈需要生产性服务业的拉动和支持。而经过了本文之前对于安徽省生产性服务业与安徽省制造业的研究,本研究认为,当下应当主要注意两个方面:其一便是在发展时要注意到生产性服务业与制造业的和谐发展。同时对安徽省的生产性服务业以及制造业加大支持力度,使得安徽省生产性的服务业能够促进安徽省制造业的发展,而安徽省制造业的发展在另一方面又能够为生产性服务业创造需求,故而,安徽省的生产性服务业的发展与安徽省制造业的发展必须要齐头并进。其二,目前,安徽省的生产性服务业与安徽省制造业的互动尚处于初始萌芽阶段,如何能够进一步提高二者互动的发展阶段,使得二者之间的良性互动能够不断加深加强,共同促进安徽省经济的发展,是安徽省目前需要大力解决的一个问题,而为了进一步促进二者之间的良性互动,就需要安徽省有着相应的政策对于二者的互动发展给予支持。简单的来说,笔者对于加强安徽省生产性服务业与制造业互动的政策主要有三个大方向,分别是:进一步发展安徽省的生产性服务业,加快安徽省制造业的产业升级,以及进一步促进二者之间的良性互动发展。 最后,本文的创新之处在于利用实证研究,对于安徽省的生产性服务业以及制造业的发展进行了探讨以及研究,判断分析了安徽省生产性服务业与制造业互动所处的阶段,并给出了相应的政策建议。本文的不足之处在于论文可对生产性服务业促进装备制造业发展做进一步的比较研究,这将是作者以后努力的方向。
[Abstract]:At the present stage, it is an important period for the process of industrialization in China. How to grasp the opportunity and further develop the economy is a key point at the present stage. The key to the upgrading of the industrial level is to improve the value-added and market competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. To improve the value-added and market competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, a productive service is needed to improve the value-added and market competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. As the fastest growing branch of the service industry, the productive service industry provides services for every production link in the manufacturing industry and supports its own development by relying on these services.
The dependence of the manufacturing industry on the production service industry is increasing with the deepening of the new industrialization process. In the new industrialization process, the dependence between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry is becoming more and more closely, and the interaction between each other is becoming stronger and stronger. This mutual effort will further promote the development of the new industrialization process. In a word, it is the key to promote the new industrialization process in Anhui province by strengthening the benign interaction between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry, and promoting the development of manufacturing with the productive service industry.
Based on the actual situation of Anhui Province, this paper uses quantitative and qualitative methods to study and analyze the interaction between productive service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province. This article is divided into five parts and is based on the basic order of academic research.
The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the background, significance, literature review, basic research methods, ideas and possible innovations.
With the development of the economy, the production service industry has been mentioned more and more, and more and more people pay attention to it. The service industry has now become a powerful driving force for economic growth, and the productive service industry has greatly improved the economic development efficiency and the industrial structure is optimized and upgraded. Anhui is now in the right place. In the critical period of the process of industrialization, the manufacturing industry and the productive service industry have made great progress in the past, but there is a clear gap between the developed provinces and the developed provinces. The 12th Five-Year plan of Anhui Province indicated that the reform and opening up should be further deepened, the modern service industry should be vigorously developed and the proportion of the modern service industry should be further improved. In order to meet the rapid development needs of industrialization, developing productive service industry and promoting good interaction between service industry and manufacturing industry have important strategic significance for the new industrialization process in Anhui province. At the end of this part, the author expounds the research ideas and possible innovation points of this study. This article is based on production. The service industry and the development mechanism of manufacturing industry have established the VEC model to carry out an empirical study on the interactive development of the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry. Finally, according to the present situation of Anhui province and the empirical results, it puts forward some suggestions on how to further promote the benign development of the productive service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province. For the first time, the interaction between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui is analyzed comprehensively and carefully, and the dynamic measurement method is used to analyze the interactive relationship between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui province.
The second part is the exploration of the related theory. This part analyzes the views of scholars at home and abroad, and thinks that the productive service industry has four characteristics, such as intermediate input, industrial association, agglomeration economy, manpower intensive and technology intensive, which have very important influence on the whole social economy. There are four aspects as follows: The azimuth supports the various links of the manufacturing industry, promotes the coordination of the industry, improves the transaction efficiency, saves the social transaction cost and improves the level of the urban energy level. The impact of the productive service industry on the manufacturing industry is mainly the two directions of the competitiveness of the manufacturing products and the transaction cost of the manufacturing products. The interaction between the service industry and the manufacturing industry, the interactive development stage of the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry. In general, the production service industry and the manufacturing industry are not the single development relationship, but there is a mutual influence and mutual promotion. This part of the theoretical analysis is mainly for the subsequent chapters of the article. The writing provides a solid theoretical basis.
The third part analyses the development status of production service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province. Anhui is now in the stage of industrial structure adjustment, and the process of industrialization is improving continuously. Before the reform and opening up, the production service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province have been greatly developed.
In the comparison between the various provinces and cities in Anhui, and among the various industries of the productive service industry, the author finds that the development of the 1. productive service industry is unbalanced. In the productive service industry of Anhui, the proportion of all the productive services in the traditional service industry and the postal storage can reach 1/3. At the same time, some knowledge-based emerging productive services, such as the scientific and technological information industry, account for a low proportion of all the productive services in Anhui province. It is necessary to further improve the proportion of the productive service industry in the.2. production service industry. The development of the productive service industry in Anhui Province is very different in different parts of the province. The development between regions is extremely uneven. For example, Hefei, as the provincial capital city of Anhui Province, ranks first in the total production service industry in the province, and has an absolute development advantage over other parts of Anhui province; Wuhu, Ma'anshan, Tongling, and other cities near the Yangtze River Delta, due to their geographical advantages and previous manufacturing bases, Its economic development is also relatively fast, the industrial structure level is also more high-end, its productive service industry is greatly beyond the average level of Anhui province; Northern Anhui Province, the economic development is obviously slow, its productive service industry development level is obviously lower than the average level of Anhui Province, provincial capital city, Southern Anhui and Northern Anhui It shows the imbalance of regional development of producer services in Anhui province.
The development of Anhui's manufacturing industry has been the most important driving force for the economic development of Anhui province. Compared with the advanced provinces and cities in Anhui Province, its industrialization process is relatively backward, and Anhui province has been able to achieve these achievements since the reform and opening up. A large part of the result is the result of the development of the manufacturing industry in Anhui province. In Anhui Province, the system is a result of the development of the province. The largest proportion of the manufacturing industry is the high-tech industry manufacturing industry. In the manufacturing industry of Anhui, the automobile manufacturing industry, the rubber products industry and the non-ferrous metal smelting industry are the competitive industries in Anhui Province, and the corresponding enterprises, such as Fengyuan, Chery and so on, can be said that these industries still have great development space in the future.
Although the manufacturing industry in Anhui has been developing well all the time, it is undeniable that there are many problems in the manufacturing industry of Anhui province. The five most important problems are: low per capita added value, dispersed market structure, small scale of enterprise, lack of technological innovation ability and lack of high-end technical personnel; How to solve these problems and further promote the development of manufacturing industry in Anhui province is a major problem faced by Anhui province.
The fourth part is an empirical analysis. In this chapter, we choose the added value of the manufacturing industry, the added value of the productive service industry, the fixed capital stock, the number of employees in the manufacturing industry as variables, and make an empirical analysis on the interaction relationship between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry. The test results show that the time series is not stable. After the difference of the sequence, the multidimensional time series is found at the same time single order. Thus, we have cointegration test on the time series of this group. The results show that the time series of the group has cointegration relationship, and the VEC model can be established. The VEC model after fitting is set up. The production service industry in Anhui province has a certain role in promoting the manufacturing industry, but the fixed capital stock has a more obvious effect on the manufacturing industry. After determining the stability of the VEC model, the analysis of the impulse response shows that although the productive service industry of Anhui province does not have an obvious pull effect on the manufacturing industry in the short term, it has been born for a long time. In addition, the fixed capital stock also has a strong impetus to the manufacturing industry in the short term. In the aspect of the contribution of the structural impact to the endogenous variable, the production service industry in Anhui province also has a strong push on the development of manufacturing industry, in addition to the fixed capital stock. The increase in the number of employees in the manufacturing industry has also led to the development of the productive service industry, but the role of the manufacturing industry in the production service industry is not obvious. The empirical results show that the productive service industry in Anhui is still in the initial stage of development, but the interaction with the manufacturing industry has entered a benign development stage. This benign interaction should be deepened so as to promote the competitiveness of Anhui's manufacturing industry and optimize its industrial structure.
The fifth part is the conclusion and policy suggestion. At present, Anhui is in the key period of the transformation of economic structure. In this period, the role of the productive service industry is becoming increasingly apparent. The industrialization process of Anhui province is increasingly needed to pull and support productive service industry. After this, the productive service industry in Anhui province has been developed. With the research of manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, the present study thinks that two aspects should be paid attention to at the moment: one is to pay attention to the harmonious development of the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in the development. At the same time, the production service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province should be strengthened, so that the productive service industry in Anhui province can promote Anhui province. The development of manufacturing industry, and the development of Anhui manufacturing industry on the other hand, can create demand for the productive service industry. Therefore, the development of the productive service industry in Anhui province and the development of the manufacturing industry in Anhui province must go hand in hand. At present, the interaction of the productive service industry in Anhui province and the manufacturing industry of Anhui is still in the beginning. In the bud stage, how can we further improve the development stage of the interaction between the two, make the benign interaction between the two people deepen and strengthen, and jointly promote the economic development of the province of Anhui, which is a problem to be solved in Anhui province at present, and in order to further promote the benign interaction between the two, it is necessary for Anhui province to have the corresponding The policy will support the interactive development of the two. In a simple way, the author has three main directions to strengthen the interaction between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, which are: to further develop the productive service industry in Anhui Province, to accelerate the production upgrading of the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, and to further promote the benign between the two. Interactive development.
Finally, the innovation of this article lies in the use of empirical research to discuss and study the productive service industry and the development of manufacturing industry in Anhui province. It is judged and analyzed in the stage of the interaction between producer services and manufacturing in Anhui Province, and the corresponding policy proposals are given. The deficiency of this paper is that the paper can be productive. The service industry will further promote the development of the equipment manufacturing industry. This will be the direction for the author's efforts in the future.
[Abstract]:At the present stage, it is an important period for the process of industrialization in China. How to grasp the opportunity and further develop the economy is a key point at the present stage. The key to the upgrading of the industrial level is to improve the value-added and market competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. To improve the value-added and market competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, a productive service is needed to improve the value-added and market competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. As the fastest growing branch of the service industry, the productive service industry provides services for every production link in the manufacturing industry and supports its own development by relying on these services.
The dependence of the manufacturing industry on the production service industry is increasing with the deepening of the new industrialization process. In the new industrialization process, the dependence between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry is becoming more and more closely, and the interaction between each other is becoming stronger and stronger. This mutual effort will further promote the development of the new industrialization process. In a word, it is the key to promote the new industrialization process in Anhui province by strengthening the benign interaction between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry, and promoting the development of manufacturing with the productive service industry.
Based on the actual situation of Anhui Province, this paper uses quantitative and qualitative methods to study and analyze the interaction between productive service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province. This article is divided into five parts and is based on the basic order of academic research.
The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the background, significance, literature review, basic research methods, ideas and possible innovations.
With the development of the economy, the production service industry has been mentioned more and more, and more and more people pay attention to it. The service industry has now become a powerful driving force for economic growth, and the productive service industry has greatly improved the economic development efficiency and the industrial structure is optimized and upgraded. Anhui is now in the right place. In the critical period of the process of industrialization, the manufacturing industry and the productive service industry have made great progress in the past, but there is a clear gap between the developed provinces and the developed provinces. The 12th Five-Year plan of Anhui Province indicated that the reform and opening up should be further deepened, the modern service industry should be vigorously developed and the proportion of the modern service industry should be further improved. In order to meet the rapid development needs of industrialization, developing productive service industry and promoting good interaction between service industry and manufacturing industry have important strategic significance for the new industrialization process in Anhui province. At the end of this part, the author expounds the research ideas and possible innovation points of this study. This article is based on production. The service industry and the development mechanism of manufacturing industry have established the VEC model to carry out an empirical study on the interactive development of the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry. Finally, according to the present situation of Anhui province and the empirical results, it puts forward some suggestions on how to further promote the benign development of the productive service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province. For the first time, the interaction between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui is analyzed comprehensively and carefully, and the dynamic measurement method is used to analyze the interactive relationship between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui province.
The second part is the exploration of the related theory. This part analyzes the views of scholars at home and abroad, and thinks that the productive service industry has four characteristics, such as intermediate input, industrial association, agglomeration economy, manpower intensive and technology intensive, which have very important influence on the whole social economy. There are four aspects as follows: The azimuth supports the various links of the manufacturing industry, promotes the coordination of the industry, improves the transaction efficiency, saves the social transaction cost and improves the level of the urban energy level. The impact of the productive service industry on the manufacturing industry is mainly the two directions of the competitiveness of the manufacturing products and the transaction cost of the manufacturing products. The interaction between the service industry and the manufacturing industry, the interactive development stage of the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry. In general, the production service industry and the manufacturing industry are not the single development relationship, but there is a mutual influence and mutual promotion. This part of the theoretical analysis is mainly for the subsequent chapters of the article. The writing provides a solid theoretical basis.
The third part analyses the development status of production service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province. Anhui is now in the stage of industrial structure adjustment, and the process of industrialization is improving continuously. Before the reform and opening up, the production service industry and manufacturing industry in Anhui province have been greatly developed.
In the comparison between the various provinces and cities in Anhui, and among the various industries of the productive service industry, the author finds that the development of the 1. productive service industry is unbalanced. In the productive service industry of Anhui, the proportion of all the productive services in the traditional service industry and the postal storage can reach 1/3. At the same time, some knowledge-based emerging productive services, such as the scientific and technological information industry, account for a low proportion of all the productive services in Anhui province. It is necessary to further improve the proportion of the productive service industry in the.2. production service industry. The development of the productive service industry in Anhui Province is very different in different parts of the province. The development between regions is extremely uneven. For example, Hefei, as the provincial capital city of Anhui Province, ranks first in the total production service industry in the province, and has an absolute development advantage over other parts of Anhui province; Wuhu, Ma'anshan, Tongling, and other cities near the Yangtze River Delta, due to their geographical advantages and previous manufacturing bases, Its economic development is also relatively fast, the industrial structure level is also more high-end, its productive service industry is greatly beyond the average level of Anhui province; Northern Anhui Province, the economic development is obviously slow, its productive service industry development level is obviously lower than the average level of Anhui Province, provincial capital city, Southern Anhui and Northern Anhui It shows the imbalance of regional development of producer services in Anhui province.
The development of Anhui's manufacturing industry has been the most important driving force for the economic development of Anhui province. Compared with the advanced provinces and cities in Anhui Province, its industrialization process is relatively backward, and Anhui province has been able to achieve these achievements since the reform and opening up. A large part of the result is the result of the development of the manufacturing industry in Anhui province. In Anhui Province, the system is a result of the development of the province. The largest proportion of the manufacturing industry is the high-tech industry manufacturing industry. In the manufacturing industry of Anhui, the automobile manufacturing industry, the rubber products industry and the non-ferrous metal smelting industry are the competitive industries in Anhui Province, and the corresponding enterprises, such as Fengyuan, Chery and so on, can be said that these industries still have great development space in the future.
Although the manufacturing industry in Anhui has been developing well all the time, it is undeniable that there are many problems in the manufacturing industry of Anhui province. The five most important problems are: low per capita added value, dispersed market structure, small scale of enterprise, lack of technological innovation ability and lack of high-end technical personnel; How to solve these problems and further promote the development of manufacturing industry in Anhui province is a major problem faced by Anhui province.
The fourth part is an empirical analysis. In this chapter, we choose the added value of the manufacturing industry, the added value of the productive service industry, the fixed capital stock, the number of employees in the manufacturing industry as variables, and make an empirical analysis on the interaction relationship between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry. The test results show that the time series is not stable. After the difference of the sequence, the multidimensional time series is found at the same time single order. Thus, we have cointegration test on the time series of this group. The results show that the time series of the group has cointegration relationship, and the VEC model can be established. The VEC model after fitting is set up. The production service industry in Anhui province has a certain role in promoting the manufacturing industry, but the fixed capital stock has a more obvious effect on the manufacturing industry. After determining the stability of the VEC model, the analysis of the impulse response shows that although the productive service industry of Anhui province does not have an obvious pull effect on the manufacturing industry in the short term, it has been born for a long time. In addition, the fixed capital stock also has a strong impetus to the manufacturing industry in the short term. In the aspect of the contribution of the structural impact to the endogenous variable, the production service industry in Anhui province also has a strong push on the development of manufacturing industry, in addition to the fixed capital stock. The increase in the number of employees in the manufacturing industry has also led to the development of the productive service industry, but the role of the manufacturing industry in the production service industry is not obvious. The empirical results show that the productive service industry in Anhui is still in the initial stage of development, but the interaction with the manufacturing industry has entered a benign development stage. This benign interaction should be deepened so as to promote the competitiveness of Anhui's manufacturing industry and optimize its industrial structure.
The fifth part is the conclusion and policy suggestion. At present, Anhui is in the key period of the transformation of economic structure. In this period, the role of the productive service industry is becoming increasingly apparent. The industrialization process of Anhui province is increasingly needed to pull and support productive service industry. After this, the productive service industry in Anhui province has been developed. With the research of manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, the present study thinks that two aspects should be paid attention to at the moment: one is to pay attention to the harmonious development of the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in the development. At the same time, the production service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province should be strengthened, so that the productive service industry in Anhui province can promote Anhui province. The development of manufacturing industry, and the development of Anhui manufacturing industry on the other hand, can create demand for the productive service industry. Therefore, the development of the productive service industry in Anhui province and the development of the manufacturing industry in Anhui province must go hand in hand. At present, the interaction of the productive service industry in Anhui province and the manufacturing industry of Anhui is still in the beginning. In the bud stage, how can we further improve the development stage of the interaction between the two, make the benign interaction between the two people deepen and strengthen, and jointly promote the economic development of the province of Anhui, which is a problem to be solved in Anhui province at present, and in order to further promote the benign interaction between the two, it is necessary for Anhui province to have the corresponding The policy will support the interactive development of the two. In a simple way, the author has three main directions to strengthen the interaction between the productive service industry and the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, which are: to further develop the productive service industry in Anhui Province, to accelerate the production upgrading of the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, and to further promote the benign between the two. Interactive development.
Finally, the innovation of this article lies in the use of empirical research to discuss and study the productive service industry and the development of manufacturing industry in Anhui province. It is judged and analyzed in the stage of the interaction between producer services and manufacturing in Anhui Province, and the corresponding policy proposals are given. The deficiency of this paper is that the paper can be productive. The service industry will further promote the development of the equipment manufacturing industry. This will be the direction for the author's efforts in the future.
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