[Abstract]:Jewelry is one of the most important products that combines beauty, emotion and wealth. An index is a relative number indicating the dynamics of social and economic phenomena. The index can be used to measure the total dynamics of the social and economic phenomena which can not be directly added and can not be directly contrasted, and the influence degree of the changes of various factors in the total changes of the social economic phenomena can be analyzed. We can study the effect of the index level and the total structure change in the change of the total average index. There are more than 2500 gold jewelry production and management enterprises in Luohu District, Shenzhen City, with annual production and sales volume of more than 100 billion yuan, and wholesale transaction volume accounting for 66 billion yuan in the whole country. With the upgrading of consumption structure and the intensification of resource supply constraints, jewelry enterprises urgently need to upgrade their industrial structure. It is urgent to take the road of high-end and information-based development. At the same time, due to the lack of effective information processing and distribution system, there are many problems in jewelry market, such as information, dispersion, independence and so on, which increases transaction cost. On the other hand, the decentralized market management decision and pricing mechanism lead to the lack of information mechanism that can be emulated by jewelry enterprises. The pricing of products is greatly influenced by the prices of raw materials upstream, and the global jewelry industry lacks the ability to negotiate prices. This paper discusses the whole frame of LH company's index design, the content of Luohu Jewelry Index, the index data collection and processing, the index calculation model and so on. Firstly, through the analysis of China's purchasing manager index (PMI), Chinese consumer price index (CPI), Yiwu small commodity index and so on, this paper studies the index content suitable for jewelry industry. Through comparative analysis, it is concluded that jewelry index should be composed of three parts: price index, turnover index and prosperity index. Among them, the design of the representative product and its weight in the relevant index content is composed of questionnaire survey method and interview method. In view of all aspects of the problem, a decision to take the lead in statistics of gold and diamond two major varieties. In the aspect of data acquisition and processing, questionnaire survey and statistical method are adopted to distribute the questionnaire to established data collection enterprises in Luohu area. After collecting the data, the statistics can be used. The empirical summary method is used to calculate the index, which is the compilation of price index and turnover index. According to the theory of Liu Yinguo and Zhao Peibiao, this paper adopts the plan of pie price index. The choice of boom index includes composite index method, diffusion index method and weighted average method. By comparison and analysis, the method of synthetic index is used to calculate. The method of composite exponent is to calculate the symmetric rate of change of each index first, that is, the rate of change is obtained not from the current period or the previous period, but from the average of both. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is that the content of Luohu Jewelry Index should be composed of price index, turnover index, boom index and individual monitoring index, considering the complexity of the project, the first phase will focus on the study of gold and diamond. The price index and the volume index will adopt the weighted method and the pie price index combination plan, the prosperity index will adopt the weight method and the synthesis method.
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