[Abstract]:As an important part of human resource management, performance management plays an important role in organization. Effective performance management system is the driving force of the sustainable development of enterprises. China's economy has experienced more than 20 years of reform, small and medium-sized enterprises have gradually changed from the role of economic running into the stage of the leading role. To construct and optimize the performance management system is an important task to establish and perfect the human resource management of small and medium-sized enterprises. K enterprises are the representative of the typical small and medium-sized marketing private enterprises in China. In more than 10 years of operation, a set of performance management system suitable for its own characteristics has been established. However, the new market environment impels it to develop and optimize the existing performance management system. This paper describes the whole process from the establishment of enterprise position, the formulation of performance goal to the performance appraisal and the performance feedback. In this paper, we choose the most critical phase in the life cycle of K Company, from single product sales to complex product sales, as the research object, and put forward the performance management problems of the company. It also reconstructs the performance management system which is suitable for the company under the new organizational structure, so as to help the company out of the predicament, enhance the competitive advantage and core competence of the enterprise, and realize the leapfrogging from the growing stage to the higher stage. Therefore, this paper has theoretical and practical significance for guiding the management practice of the company, improving the performance level of the company, and promoting the development of the private economy and the small and medium-sized marketing enterprises in our country better and faster.
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