[Abstract]:The paper industry is one of the pillar industries in the economic development of our country. The development of the special paper industry plays an important role in the development of the paper industry. In recent years, with the development of the economy, the automobile industry has developed rapidly, which has led to the development of many industries. Among them, filter paper and other special materials with the rapid development. Filter paper is a kind of special material paper, the demand increases gradually with the increase of automobile sales. RFTC Co., Ltd. is a company that produces filter materials, non-woven materials and other special materials. Various special material and paper companies are facing fierce competition in the domestic and foreign market. How to develop in the fierce competition, ensure the market position of the enterprise, enlarge the market share, is the urgent problem that the enterprise development needs to think about. In this paper, we find out the key factors that affect the competitiveness of enterprises, use mathematical methods to evaluate and analyze, through the analysis, we find that there are shortcomings in the competitiveness of enterprises in the process of development. How to improve the competitiveness of enterprises is related to how to get better development in today's competitive environment. In the process of analyzing the competitiveness of RFTC Co., Ltd., according to the characteristics of the development of paper industry of special materials, according to the characteristics of importance, science and contrast, this paper selects the main factors that affect the competitiveness of paper industry of special materials. A scientific evaluation index system is constructed. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used as an analytical tool, and the weight of each index is obtained by making a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the data, and then the fuzzy evaluation method is used to analyze and evaluate the data. According to the results obtained by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the data are deeply analyzed, the results of comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises are obtained, and the importance of each index in the development of the company is further obtained. According to the results of comprehensive analysis, it is clear which factors are the restricting factors of the development of the company's competitiveness. In the process of future development, we should focus on enhancing the competitiveness in this respect. Finally, the development strategy to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is put forward.
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