[Abstract]:DBTG Group is a large first-line special steel enterprise in China. It mainly produces and manages high precision and high added value special steel products. It is the base of production and research of national defense military industry, aviation and aerospace industry and new materials of special steel. In terms of enterprise scale, it has become the heavyweight enterprise of domestic special steel industry, and is the leading enterprise of domestic high-end special steel production and research and development. Under the new circumstances, there is a certain gap between China's iron and steel industry and the advanced level of the world. In order to achieve the grand goal of international first-class special steel enterprises, and to make them bigger and stronger and better, there are still some outstanding problems to be solved urgently. For example: the independent innovation research and development ability can not meet the market demand quickly, the advanced craft equipment level does not display very well, the leading product proportion is still relatively low, the product structure needs further adjustment and so on. But there are both opportunities and challenges. DBTG Group Company must face the difficulties, seize the opportunity, make a good strategic plan for seeking and maintaining a lasting competitive advantage, and give full play to its own technology R & D and technological process compared with other domestic iron and steel enterprises. Facilities and equipment have the advantages of transformation and innovation and upgrading. By making and implementing the strategy of technological innovation, guiding the enterprise to make overall arrangement and scientific decision in the aspect of technological innovation, this paper provides a reference for the actual production and management activities and strategic planning of the enterprise, which has certain practical significance. This paper adopts the relevant theory of enterprise technology innovation, combining with the concrete situation of enterprise, through analyzing the present situation of enterprise and studying the countermeasure, formulates the technology innovation strategy of DBTG Group. First of all, it introduces the general situation of DBTG Group Company, especially the product category, process equipment and technical force, technical force and management, and explains the difficulties that the Group is facing in the development of the Group. Secondly, the paper analyzes the technological innovation environment of DBTG Group Company, including macro environment, industrial environment and internal environment of enterprises, and summarizes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of technological innovation of DBTG Group Company by using SWOT analysis method. Finally, on the basis of the analysis of the enterprise environment and ability, according to the analysis of the overall development strategy of the group, the paper formulates the technical innovation strategy of the DBTG group company, including the goal and orientation of the technology innovation strategy of the DBTG group company. Basic model and key content, and put forward the implementation strategy and safeguard measures in the process of strategy implementation.
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