[Abstract]:The new normal is a new feature of China's economic operation at present and in the future. In order to adapt to the change of the trend of the new normal, we must expand our thinking, deepen reform, and be bold in innovation. Taking "abnormal" as the response to "the new normal state of economy" and actively exploring the new path of the development of open economy, it has a directional influence on Guizhou's economy, especially on the development of industrialization. Guizhou's economy is in the stage of underdevelopment and underopening for a long time, at the same time, it will face "labor pain period" in economic development, especially in industrial development. Especially, there are some marginal changes that may lead to economic decline and increase of risk. Therefore, choosing what kind of industrialization path is not only an important proposition for Guizhou to adapt to the new normal of moderate economic growth, a new normal for the transformation of development mode and a new normal for comprehensively deepening the reform, but also an important support for Guizhou to catch up with the latter.
【作者单位】: 四川大学;
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