[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, the upgrading of mobile phones is becoming more and more frequent. Nokia, which once dominated the mobile phone industry for 15 years, has lost its name, and international brands such as Apple and Samsung are gaining ground in the market. The home-made mobile phone sector, known for its "shanzhai machines", has changed dramatically at this stage, with more and more phones starting to build their own brands, including Xiaomi. Xiaomi mobile phone as a domestic mobile phone brand rookie, in less than three years after the launch of a sales miracle, so that countless industry people marvel at it. This paper mainly through five parts of Xiaomi mobile phone marketing communication strategy research, the first part is the introduction, mainly includes the research background, research purpose and research significance, research method theory support, The theoretical summary of marketing communication and the innovation and difficulties in the research are introduced. The second part analyzes the macro background of Xiaomi's mobile phone marketing communication from three aspects: the audience attribute of the new media era, the cross-border integration of media terminal products and the competitive pattern of consumer electronic products market. In the third part, the author combs the brand positioning of Xiaomi mobile phone and analyzes the marketing communication fusion of Xiaomi mobile phone from each part of the whole information dissemination process. The fourth part, from the angle of communication, analyzes the marketing difference between Xiaomi mobile phone and iPhone mobile phone on the basis of 4Cs marketing theory. In the end, the author uses questionnaire to study the marketing effect of Xiaomi mobile phone, and analyzes the pricing, consumer composition, brand positioning, sales channel, purchase motivation, consumer behavior after purchase. Through the analysis and study of every part of Xiaomi's mobile phone marketing and communication activities, this paper points out the advantages and disadvantages of Xiaomi's mobile phone, and summarizes and analyzes it, which can be used for reference and introspection for the development of other enterprises' marketing activities.
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