[Abstract]:With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the construction industry has made rapid development and the demand for construction machinery has also increased sharply. Because of its own unique advantages, construction machinery lease has become an ideal way to obtain construction machinery. However, the development of construction machinery leasing industry has lagged behind the development of construction industry. Unable to provide adequate services to the construction industry. This study studies the key success factors of pre-decision and post-contract operation of construction machinery leasing contract, and then puts forward the governance countermeasures for the key success factors. In order to provide decision support and operation guidance for the healthy long-term development of construction machinery lease. Firstly, this paper reclassifies the lease, defines the concept and characteristics of the operating lease, and then puts forward the concrete concept of the lease of construction machinery and the characteristics of the lease. On this basis, the operating lease of construction machinery is divided into two stages: the decision before the contract and the operation after the contract, and the decision before the contract is divided into two perspectives: the lessee and the lessor. By using Delphi method and explanatory structure model, this paper explores the relevant success factors in different stages and different angles of view, clarifies the relationship between relevant factors and their influence paths, and then clarifies the key success factors of construction machinery leasing. The study found that in order to promote the healthy and long-term development of construction machinery leasing, the government needs to develop its policies, laws and regulations, credit system construction, trade associations, and construction machinery industry chains. Construction machinery lease market development of these key success factors to take positive measures to promote. In addition, both parties should sign perfect contract, make reasonable rent, set up strict punishment system of breach of trust, and communicate actively in the process of operation. As the main influence of the successful operation, the lessor should enhance the ability of service and capital, distribute the risk reasonably, and carry on the hierarchical management.
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