[Abstract]:The core of modern human resource management is competence management, and talent evaluation is the "tie" to realize the closed-loop management of enterprise employees' ability. "Virtue is too much to do, and its misfortune must be cool; To identify the employees who meet the requirements of the post through a systematic and scientific talent evaluation system can effectively pass through the whole process of human resources management and improve the interconnection and interaction among the various business modules of human resources management. Improve the ability of employees and organization, promote the core competitiveness of enterprises, maximize the value of human resources, and support the strategic development of enterprises. On the basis of the existing competency research results, this paper focuses on the carrier of post and innovatively studies the theory of employee competency and post management as a system. This paper begins with defining the connotation and elements of post competence and post competency evaluation, and tries to solve many disadvantages in the evaluation of employee quality of electric power enterprises by constructing post competency evaluation system. For example, we only pay attention to the explicit knowledge and skills of the employees, but ignore the inherent ability, trait and evaluation standard without quantification and so on. The evaluation system determines the competency elements of each post, forms competency model and corresponding evaluation criteria, forms training methods and develops post evaluation test database on the basis of fully analyzing the strategic development objectives and competency requirements of different positions. Finally, the post ability evaluation system is applied to the evaluation pilot study, and good results are obtained.
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