[Abstract]:This paper studies the influencing factors and positioning methods of supplier relationship positioning in pharmaceutical enterprises in transition. Supplier relationships reflect the strategic importance of suppliers, management priorities and dependence on suppliers. This paper studies the influencing factors of supplier relationship positioning from the perspective of supplier relationship positioning process, functional department and relationship value, and proposes that supplier relationship should serve and serve the enterprise strategy. Supplier relationship positioning should be completed by the strategic, marketing, procurement, quality, finance and other functional departments, The value of supplier relationship depends on the comparison between the total revenue from the supplier and the total cost paid by the enterprise for the supplier relationship. In this paper, the linear weight method is used to establish the supplier relationship location model. In the application of linear weight method, the direct role of objective quantitative parameters in decision-making is highlighted, which makes the decision easier to be accepted and executed by relevant departments. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the influencing factors of supplier relationship positioning, this paper selects seven parameters that can affect supplier relationship positioning comprehensively: the number of effective suppliers, the contribution rate of product profits, the market share of products, and the net profit of supplier change. Raw and auxiliary materials quality risk, supplier performance and management decision level evaluation value. The above model has been applied in S Company. By using the model to locate the supplier relationship, S Company straightens out the supplier relationship, reduces the cost of supplier management, and improves the allocation efficiency of supplier relationship maintenance resources. It reduces the total cost of procurement, ensures the reliable supply of strategic raw and auxiliary materials, and thus ensures the timely supply of pharmaceutical market. It improves the recognition degree of supplier relationship positioning in various functional departments and accelerates the internal process of supplier management. The paper also discusses how to establish the position of purchasing advantage according to supplier relationship positioning model. Since the business environment is dynamic, supplier relationship evaluation and positioning should be carried out periodically or occasionally. Finally, the realization method of supplier relationship positioning is briefly described.
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