[Abstract]:Based on the principle and content of the adjustment of the pricing rules of the construction industry, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the deduction method of the construction cost. According to the deduction measures stipulated in the "implementation Program", the deduction rate of construction and safety expenses of housing construction project is 7.29, which is 2.58 higher than the corresponding tax deduction rate and the tax burden of construction industry is increased. Through the analysis of the relationship between the total cost of the project and the deduction rate of the cost of Jian'an and the rate of value-added tax, it is concluded that under the tax rate of 11% VAT, when the deduction rate of the cost of Jian'an is 7.12, the total cost of the project will not change. If the total cost remains unchanged, the VAT tax rate should be reduced to 8.08 when the deduction rate of Jianan cost is reduced to 4.61. Finally, suggestions are put forward to adjust the deduction method of Jianan cost.
【作者单位】: 浙江长征职业技术学院;
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