[Abstract]:China, as the world's fastest growing clothing consumption, has been a clothing country, but also the world's largest clothing production and export countries. With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the remarkable improvement of people's material living standard, the clothing industry of our country has also developed vigorously, which is becoming more and more popular with people. Since its establishment in 1981, Ordos Group has been developing garment products for 30 years, and has become a leading enterprise in China's garment industry, especially in cashmere processing products. Companies are constantly looking for new directions in areas ranging from a single clothing plate to complex energy, salt, chemical, real estate, economic and overseas businesses, covering real estate and coal stores. Chemical industry and other ten leading industries, formed the "six major industries to promote, ten leading industries co-exist" management pattern. Clothing is still the foundation and core of the enterprise. In the new historical environment, because domestic cashmere and low-grade products occupy the market, comfortable, healthy, fashionable and environmentally friendly, the consumption concept of "comfort, health, fashion and environmental protection" has gradually entered the hearts of the people, and the seasonal products are still quite obvious. The influence of consumers, such as middle-aged and elderly customers, and the fact that there are more cashmere processing enterprises, the storefront of enterprises cannot be consumer-centered, and the quality of enterprise employees is out of step with the development of enterprises. The problems of poor customer maintenance and the lack of international brand advantages lead to difficulties in the progress of enterprise's progress and development. In addition, the clothing industry is seriously affected by the international economic environment, and by the European debt crisis in 2012, and the economic benefits of Ordos Group are even more affected, which brings new challenges to enterprises. In this paper, Ordos Group clothing products as the research object, the current cashmere clothing products marketing strategy is discussed. The introduction first introduces the research background and significance, puts forward the research methods and purposes, and summarizes the relevant theoretical results from the marketing theory. In the main part, by analyzing the market situation of cashmere industry at home and abroad and the current situation of group clothing product marketing, and analyzing the internal and external environment of Ordos Group, we know the development opportunity and challenge that the enterprise is facing at present. Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprises, new marketing and development strategies are put forward to solve the difficulties encountered by the enterprises in the process of future development. First of all, analyze the research background and significance of the research topic, and introduce the purpose and method of the research, brief summary of the relevant theories of marketing, introduce the current market situation of cashmere industry at home and abroad. This paper analyzes the marketing situation of Ordos Group clothing products, and identifies the advantages and disadvantages of Ordos Group by SWOT analysis, as well as the opportunities and challenges in the process of operation and development. Put forward the marketing strategy of Ordos Group clothing products. The strategy not only covers the establishment of brand, but also includes the quality management of service personnel, inventory management, store management and information management. Finally, the conclusion of the study is drawn. It is hoped that it can be used for reference to put forward the marketing strategies of similar enterprises or other enterprises in the field of practice.
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